[Vm-dev] 64Bit image on Squeak Cocoa 5.7.4 VM

Henrik Sperre Johansen henrik.s.johansen at veloxit.no
Wed Apr 13 23:16:42 UTC 2011

On 13.04.2011 22:35, Tobias Pape wrote:
> Hi —
> I've just traced my first 64bit image
> using the SystemTracer.
> The ckformat utility reports the Version
> number as 68002 (i.e. really a 64bit image).
> As far as I know, the 5.7.4 Cocoa Vm is
> a Combined (or how to call it) 32bit/64bit vm,
> but it tells me:
> This interpreter (vers. 0) cannot read image file (vers. 68002).
> Press CR to quit...
> which is a bit dissapointing. Did I misinterpret
> the line in the Menu bar that says
> ‘Squeak VM Host 64/32bits’?
> So Long,
> 	-Tobias
It means the VM internally is 64bit, while it runs 32bit images.
You'd need a 64/64bits VM to run your image.

I'm pretty certain you can find one for download by searching the list.
If not, it (was at least) one of the targets in the XCode project you 
can find in iOS platform in trunk. (10.5 SDK iirc)
Not quite sure which version of VMMaker you'd need to use to generate 
sources though.


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