[Vm-dev] Re: [Pharo-project] [Ann] Ephemerons for Cog

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Tue May 24 13:52:03 UTC 2011

Okay, i fixed this without delving deep into code.
I just split #markAndTraceAndMaybeFreeStackPages: on three separate methods:


so a code now looks like following:

	"Now deal with stack pages"	
		ifFalse: [ self invalidateStackPagesTraceState ]
		ifTrue: [ self markAndTraceRestStackPages ].
	"Process ephemerons"
	[ self processEphemeronsQueue ] whileTrue: [
		"some stack pages may be reachable only through ephemerons"
			ifTrue: [ self markAndTraceRestStackPages ].
	self unlinkEphemeronsStillInQueue.
	"Free unused stack pages. Only safe to free stack pages after all
have been traced. "

	fullGCFlag ifTrue: [ self freeUnusedStackPages  ].
	"Only safe to free any machine code methods after all
	 stack pages have been traced."
	self markAndTraceOrFreeMachineCode: fullGCFlag.

Now the last question:
should i take care of #markAndTraceOrFreeMachineCode: as well?
Can machine code point to an object(s) which are not reachable from
roots & ephemerons,
but only from machine code?

I guess not, because if machine code could point to a subgraph which
holding arbitrary set of objects,
then it will be also dangerous to free stack pages before tracing machine code.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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