[Vm-dev] [Pharo-project] is there a way to avoid all the #tryNamedPrimitive:with: * in ProtoObject

Igor Stasenko siguctua at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 20:52:20 UTC 2012

On 27 January 2012 19:40, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 26 January 2012 19:25, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On 26 January 2012 14:42, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> On 26 January 2012 11:25, stephane ducasse <stephane.ducasse at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> >> >
>>> >> >> >> phew... done reading through overquoting :)
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> +1000 to removing tryXYZprimitive:
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> I was always wondering what those methods for, until i met a need to
>>> >> >> >> support debugging when invoking nativeboost-prim methods,
>>> >> >> >> because it needs special handing when invoking methods with native
>>> >> >> >> code via debugger.
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> Then i understood that this mechanism is necessary.. yet a bit awkward..
>>> >> >> >>
>>> >> >> >> Funny. Even after implementing the fix, I still do not understand why all these is needed. Can someone explain to a newbie why invoking primitives (whether they are normal primitives, named primitives or NB primitives) from the debugger is different than invoking them normally (as when they are invoked by normal code)
>>> >> >> >
>>> >> >> > Yes I want to understand too.
>>> >> >> >
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Here the hint for you:
>>> >> >>  - what should happen when you doing 'step in' on method, which has a primitive?
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Apparently, it should invoke that primitive , otherwise you will have
>>> >> >> difference between running and debugging modes,
>>> >> >> and will have different results, which makes debugger useless.
>>> >> >> So debugger should detect "somehow" if primitive was failed, and then
>>> >> >> step in into given method,
>>> >> >> or if its not, then step in = step over.
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> And these 'tryXYZ ... ' is exactly for solving this dilemma.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks Igor. So I wrote what I understood. Problem is that I always write for newbies (like me) so if it is too obvios or too long to put it as comment, let me know.
>>> >> > I would appreaciate if someone can validate what I wrote.
>>> >> > Today I will create a slice with mentioned solution + comments + removal of all those tryNamedPrimitive*.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > ----
>>> >> >
>>> >> > "When using the debugger we want to run a method step by step. But what happens when we do a step into a CompiledMethod which has a primitive? If such a method is executed form outside the Debugger (normal scenario) the VM knows that such CompiledMethod has a primitive declaration and hence executes it. If it fails, then it continues executing all the bytecodes of the method. Otherwise, it just returns.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Now, what is the problem with the Debugger? The problem is that if the primitive fail, we don't want that the VM directly executes all the remaining bytecodes of the method. Instead, we would like to go step by step with he Debugger, just as happens with normal methods.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > To solve the mentioned problem, we use the following trick: We have the original compiled method (the one that has a primitive invocation), the receiver and the arguments. So the idea is to use a template compiled method that ONLY contains the primitive declaration (it doesn't include all the original smalltalk code after the primitive). #tryNamedPrimitiveTemplateMethod answers such a template method which looks like:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > tryNamedPrimitive
>>> >> >     <primitive:'to be set later' module:'to be ser later'>
>>> >> >     ^ ContextPart primitiveFailToken'
>>> >> >
>>> >> >  Since this method does not change its bytecodes for every invocation, we can reuse it for all methods with primitives. There are only 2 things we have to change in the template: the number of arguments and the primitive declaration (to use the correct primitive name and module name).
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Then what we do is to run that compiled method with the receiver and arguments we have. The result is that we will be invoking almost the same original method but a slightly different version that does not have the smalltalk part after the primitive and that in contrast is sends #primitiveFailToken (which tells the Debugger what to do after). If this method invocation does not fail, then the Debugger continues debugging the sender of the primitive method. In this case, the step in is the same as step over. If the primitive fails, then the debugger continues executing the smalltalk part after the primitive method. In this case, step in is a real step in.  "
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> There's another problem with using "tryXYZ" when primitive doing
>>> >> something weird with contexts (like block's #value)
>>> >> because then debugger cannot intercept switching contexts so easily,
>>> >> when primitive doing manipulation with contexts,
>>> >> because debugger have no idea where to put his next "break point" to
>>> >> do step-by-step evaluation.
>>> >>
>>> >> I thinking that there should be special primitive which:
>>> >>  - takes a context, a receiver, a method and arguments (or just a
>>> >> context, if debugger ensures to pass it in prepared state i.e.
>>> >> receiver and args already on stack)
>>> >>  - invokes method's primitive
>>> >>  - answers a nil if primitive failed or a new context object, which
>>> >> holds an updated context state after primitive possibly manipulated
>>> >> with context(s)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > No, not needed.  Manipulation of contexts does not require primitives since contexts are first-class, and the effect of these primitives can be simulated in Smalltalk (just as the effect of executing bytecodes can be simulated).  Look at the caller of tryPrimitive:withArgs: and tryNamedPrimitiveIn:for:withArgs:, namely ContextPart>doPrimitive:method:receiver:args:.  It handles all these primitives such as perform:[*], value[:value:*], withArgs:executeMethod:.
>>> Looks like you don't read carefully. Exactly because of looking to
>>> ContextPart>doPrimitive:method:receiver:args: i proposed another way.
>>> And besides it is much simpler.
>>> If tomorrow we introduce new primitive which manipulates context, you
>>> will need to fix this method,
>>> because it duplicating knowledge of what VM does.
>> I disagree.  ContextPart already duplicates the VM.  The direction you propose ends up putting all context functionality in the VM, which makes the system harder to understand (the SMalltalk code is more readable), harder to experiment with (one can no longer implement experiments in the image, for example as I did in implementing the closure compiler), and harder to implement (implementing and testing tricky do-lots-of-things primitives in the VM is harder than implementing and testing their equivalents in the image).  So I think this primitive is a really bad idea.  Its going to be much more complex than doPrimitive:method:receiver:args:.

Hmm.. are you sure about much complex?
As to me it is fairly simple:

1. remember current context (debugger)
2. activate a debuggable context (passed as argument)
3. invoke a primitive
4. activate a debugger context back and return a modified debuggable
context as result.

> And of course experience shows it is much quicker and easier to distribute Smalltalk improvements than new virtual machines, so pushing important functionality down into the VM is a retrograde step.  It seems out of keeping with NativeBoost and ideas such as moving the linking machinery for named primitives and the FFI up into the image, decomposing them into a more general set of smaller simpler primitives.

This is true.  But exactly because of it, we need such prim!
Think, how you going to debug a dynamically generated code, which
manipulates a contexts,
if by invoking it, your debugger will immediately lose a control?

A simulation is not an answer here, because you actually want to run
your your dynamically generated code and check if it behaves well,
while if you just simulate it you will never know if its ok, because
then you will be testing whether your simulation behaves correctly,
instead of real thing.
And of course, then every time you changing the native implementation,
you will also need to update a simulation code as well -> a best way
to kill a project, when two independent parts must behave identically,
but since a lazy developers forgetting keep them in sync, it falling

This is actually a situation which we having now, because implementation of
#doPrimitive: primitiveIndex method: meth receiver: receiver args: arguments
is based on assumption that VM are in sync with image, and every time
you change something, you have to go there and sync stuff.
Why we cannot follow DRY principle?

So, without having it, i had to introduce an awful hack in
NativeBoost, an override in ContextPart package,
because i have no choice:

ContextPart>>tryNamedPrimitiveIn: aCompiledMethod for: aReceiver
withArgs: arguments
	"Hack. Attempt to execute the named primitive from the given compiled method"
	| selector theMethod spec |
	(NativeBoost isNativeMethod: aCompiledMethod) ifTrue: [
		^ NativeBoost tryRunNativeCode: aCompiledMethod for: aReceiver
			withArgs: arguments onFail: [ ^ PrimitiveFailToken ].
	arguments size > 8 ifTrue:[^PrimitiveFailToken].
	selector := #(
		tryNamedPrimitive:with:with:with:with:with:with:with:) at: arguments size+1.
	theMethod := aReceiver class lookupSelector: selector.
	theMethod == nil ifTrue:[^PrimitiveFailToken].
	spec := theMethod literalAt: 1.
	spec replaceFrom: 1 to: spec size with: (aCompiledMethod literalAt:
1) startingAt: 1.
	theMethod flushCache.
	selector flushCache.	
	^aReceiver perform: selector withArguments: arguments

NativeBoost class>>tryRunNativeCode: aCompiledMethod for: aReceiver
withArgs: arguments onFail: aFailBlock
	"run only a native code of given method,
	and if it fails evaluate aFailBlock instead"
	| src node m failObj result |
	self assert: (self isNativeMethod: aCompiledMethod).
	src := String streamContents: [:str |
		str nextPutAll: 'NBDebug_stub'.
		1 to: aCompiledMethod numArgs do: [:i  |
			i = 1
				ifTrue: [ str nextPutAll: ': ' ]
				ifFalse: [ str nextPutAll: ' with: ' ].
			str nextPutAll: 'arg'.
			i printOn: str.
		str cr;
		nextPutAll: ' <primitive: #primitiveNativeCall module:
#NativeBoostPlugin >'; cr;
		nextPutAll: ' ^ ''theFailLiteral'' '.

	node := Compiler new
		compile: src
		in: aCompiledMethod methodClass
		classified: nil
		notifying: nil
		ifFail: [ ^ aFailBlock value ].

	m := node generate: aCompiledMethod trailer.
	self assert: (m literalAt: 2) = 'theFailLiteral'.
	failObj := Object new.
	m literalAt: 2 put: failObj.
	m flushCache.
	m selector flushCache.
	result := m valueWithReceiver: aReceiver arguments: arguments.
	^ result == failObj ifTrue: [ aFailBlock value] ifFalse: [ result ]
and as you can see, an implementation of "please simply run just the
primitive of method"
at language side is not looking nice and easy.
And of course, if by chance , a native code manipulate context, then
the above hack not going to work anymore. This code actually assumes
that primitive plays nicely and not doing such nasty things :)

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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