[Vm-dev] Object age (was Re: first window, yay!)

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Mon Sep 23 11:31:42 UTC 2013

On 2013-09-22, at 20:29, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com> wrote:

> Being able to enumerate in order of creation time is something the VM could maintain in old space, keeping objects in order there-in.  But I'd rather drop this property and allow the Spur GC to compact using best-fit and lazy become, which will change the order of objects.  How important is being able to enumerate in order of creation?  I think it's nice to have but hardly essential.  What do y'all think?

The only use case I know of is being able to know when an object got created, enabling statistics on object age and fulfilling curiosity. Like, wouldn't it be fun to know the date that "nil" was created? ;)

E.g. in one of my images I have:

	1: 23 September 2013->93207
	2: 17 September 2013->568
	3: 13 September 2013->1384
	4: 12 September 2013->6067
	5: 11 September 2013->21392
	6: 9 September 2013->8
	7: 6 September 2013->29
	8: 5 September 2013->2193
	9: 4 September 2013->14
	10: 2 September 2013->13
	11: 31 August 2013->14
	12: 22 August 2013->1627
	13: 20 August 2013->1151
	14: 16 August 2013->2109
	15: 14 August 2013->5046
	16: 7 August 2013->25493
	17: 26 May 2013->2452
	18: 24 May 2013->1389
	19: 8 May 2013->137
	20: 7 May 2013->498
	21: 6 May 2013->3976
	22: 4 May 2013->1130
	23: 3 May 2013->7627
	24: 25 March 2013->3735
	25: 4 March 2013->1210
	26: 27 February 2013->428
	27: 26 February 2013->2

(attaching a breakdown with classes below). See class ObjectHistory in Squeak trunk for implementation details.

I would not see that as an essential feature, but just as a nice exploit of the old GC behavior. If it is simple to preserve it would be nice to have, but it should not stand in the way of better performance.

- Bert -

	1: 23 September 2013->{25457->ByteString . 14315->Array . 6146->MCVersionName . 6129->MCVersionInfo . 6129->UUID . 6066->DateAndTime . 6059->Time . 6059->Date . 5714->Association . 4077->MCMethodDefinition . 1065->Point . 526->OrderedCollection . 466->Rectangle . 347->MCInstanceVariableDefinition . 346->Interval . 227->MCModification . 185->Color . 164->MorphExtension . 162->IdentityDictionary . 160->MessageNode . 155->MCClassVariableDefinition . 152->LargePositiveInteger . 142->MCClassDefinition . 140->Dictionary . 124->ByteArray . 116->TextLine . 114->SHRange . 98->SelectorNode . 87->MethodContext . 85->Bitmap . 82->MCPackage . 82->BlockNode . 77->MCAddition . 77->WeakArray . 76->DependentsArray . 70->MCVersionDependency . 69->BlockClosure . 67->InstanceVariableNode . 62->RectangleMorph . 61->SimpleBorder . 60->CompiledMethod . 58->TempVariableNode . 57->Float . 53->LayoutProperties . 49->EventHandler . 48->ZipFileMember . 46->LeafNode . 44->MethodChangeRecord . 41->RunArray . 41->Text . 37->WriteStream . 34->WeakKeyAssociation . 31->ReturnNode . 30->TableLayoutProperties . 29->MenuItemMorph . 28->TableLayout . 28->GradientFillStyle . 26->LayoutFrame . 26->AssignmentNode . 26->Form . 24->WeakActionSequenceTrappingErrors . 24->ImageMorph . 20->WeakMessageSend . 19->AdditionalMethodState . 19->Set . 19->ClassChangeRecord . 19->IdentitySet . 18->CompilationCue . 18->ReadStream . 18->Parser . 18->PluggableDictionary . 18->EncoderForV3PlusClosures . 18->MethodNode . 18->DebuggerMethodMapForClosureCompiledMethods . 17->WeakFinalizerItem . 16->Semaphore . 15->AlignmentMorph . 14->MCRemoval . 14->StringMorph . 12->CharacterBlock . 12->LiteralNode . 12->ScrollBar . 11->MCDiffyVersion . 11->MCPatch . 11->MorphicTransform . 11->PluggableButtonMorphPlus . 9->ChangeSet . 9->ByteSymbol . 9->RWBinaryOrTextStream . 9->MultiByteFileStream . 8->MenuLineMorph . 8->MCMcdReader . 8->ZipArchive . 7->LiteralVariableNode . 7->Process . 7->MCClassInstanceVariableDefinition . 7->MCWorkingAncestry . 7->ObjectHistoryMark . 7->UTF8TextConverter . 6->SystemWindowButton . 6->MethodDictionary . 6->SketchMorph . 6->TransformMorph . 6->TextStyle . 5->MCSnapshot . 5->PluggableSet . 4->LazyListMorph . 4->ProportionalSplitterMorph . 4->TranslucentColor . 4->SmalltalkEditor . 4->MCPostscriptDefinition . 4->Pragma . 4->PluggableListMorphPlus . 4->MultiNewParagraph . 3->GrafPort . 3->Metaclass . 3->ProportionalLayout . 3->FormCanvas . 3->PluggablePanelMorph . 3->Delay . 3->MCOrganizationDefinition . 2->Object . 2->TextEmphasis . 2->StepMessage . 2->SharedQueue . 2->BraceNode . 2->PluggableTextMorphPlus . 2->RemoteString . 2->MethodReference . 2->WeakSet . 2->DamageRecorder . 2->TextMorphForEditView . 2->MouseEvent . 1->HandMorph . 1->CascadeNode . 1->MCMcmReader . 1->BottomLeftGripMorph . 1->ProjectLauncher . 1->MenuMorph . 1->WorldState . 1->TheWorldMenu . 1->ClassDiffBuilder class . 1->MCConfiguration . 1->Browser . 1->TopRightGripMorph . 1->PluggableSystemWindow . 1->LeftGripMorph . 1->SHParserST80 . 1->TopLeftGripMorph . 1->SHTextStylerST80 . 1->BottomGripMorph . 1->Message . 1->PrettyTextDiffBuilder class . 1->ExpandedSourceFileArray . 1->BottomRightGripMorph . 1->MCPreambleDefinition . 1->TextDiffBuilder class . 1->RightGripMorph . 1->Monitor . 1->TopGripMorph . 1->UpdatingMenuItemMorph . 1->MCVersion . 1->Heap . 1->UnixFileDirectory . 1->PasteUpMorph . 1->MouseOverHandler . 1->FilePath . 1->Morph}
	2: 17 September 2013->{183->Point . 87->Rectangle . 63->Array . 42->Color . 31->Association . 25->SHRange . 11->MorphExtension . 10->RectangleMorph . 9->IdentityDictionary . 8->Float . 8->SimpleBorder . 8->EventHandler . 7->MethodContext . 7->ByteString . 6->MorphicTransform . 6->BlockClosure . 5->GradientFillStyle . 5->Interval . 5->Text . 4->ImageMorph . 4->CharacterBlock . 4->RunArray . 4->Bitmap . 3->TextLine . 3->PluggableSet . 2->Dictionary . 2->MultiNewParagraph . 2->TextStyle . 2->SmalltalkEditor . 2->Form . 1->LayoutFrame . 1->StringMorph . 1->Semaphore . 1->TextEmphasis . 1->WriteStream . 1->AlignmentMorph . 1->StepMessage . 1->TableLayoutProperties . 1->Process . 1->TableLayout}
	3: 13 September 2013->{376->Point . 174->Association . 165->Rectangle . 138->Array . 82->Color . 73->MorphExtension . 58->IdentityDictionary . 32->RectangleMorph . 28->SimpleBorder . 25->EventHandler . 22->ByteArray . 18->TableLayoutProperties . 17->ByteString . 17->TableLayout . 16->LayoutFrame . 13->GradientFillStyle . 12->ImageMorph . 12->Float . 9->LayoutProperties . 8->StringMorph . 8->PluggableButtonMorphPlus . 8->AlignmentMorph . 6->ScrollBar . 5->OrderedCollection . 5->Bitmap . 4->MethodReference . 4->SystemWindowButton . 4->SketchMorph . 4->Form . 3->TransformMorph . 2->TextStyle . 2->Semaphore . 2->PluggableTextMorphPlus . 2->PluggablePanelMorph . 2->ProportionalLayout . 2->TextMorphForEditView . 1->MethodContext . 1->Dictionary . 1->Monitor . 1->MorphicTransform . 1->PluggableSet . 1->ProportionalSplitterMorph . 1->TextLine . 1->Morph . 1->RightGripMorph . 1->PluggableListMorphPlus . 1->DependentsArray . 1->PluggableSystemWindow . 1->StepMessage . 1->LeftGripMorph . 1->BottomRightGripMorph . 1->SHTextStylerST80 . 1->BlockClosure . 1->MessageSet . 1->TranslucentColor . 1->TopGripMorph . 1->BottomLeftGripMorph . 1->LazyListMorph . 1->BottomGripMorph . 1->SHParserST80 . 1->TopLeftGripMorph . 1->TopRightGripMorph}
	4: 12 September 2013->{1045->Point . 771->Array . 758->Association . 450->Rectangle . 329->ByteString . 262->TextLine . 250->Color . 216->IdentityDictionary . 209->SHRange . 191->CompiledMethod . 185->MorphExtension . 160->MethodChangeRecord . 89->RectangleMorph . 82->SimpleBorder . 70->EventHandler . 67->IdentitySet . 67->ClassChangeRecord . 52->Float . 44->TableLayoutProperties . 41->LayoutFrame . 41->TableLayout . 37->GradientFillStyle . 36->Dictionary . 34->ImageMorph . 31->OrderedCollection . 28->MCVersionName . 26->UUID . 26->Date . 26->DateAndTime . 26->MCVersionInfo . 26->Time . 25->Bitmap . 25->ChangeSet . 24->LayoutProperties . 20->StringMorph . 20->AlignmentMorph . 20->Form . 19->PluggableButtonMorphPlus . 18->ScrollBar . 13->MCWorkingAncestry . 11->ByteSymbol . 9->MethodReference . 9->TransformMorph . 8->SystemWindowButton . 8->SketchMorph . 7->MethodDictionary . 6->TextStyle . 6->RunArray . 6->CharacterBlock . 6->Text . 6->Interval . 5->WeakArray . 5->MorphicTransform . 5->ProportionalSplitterMorph . 5->PluggableListMorphPlus . 5->PluggablePanelMorph . 5->ProportionalLayout . 5->LazyListMorph . 4->Semaphore . 4->PluggableTextMorphPlus . 4->TextMorphForEditView . 3->MethodContext . 3->PluggableSet . 3->Set . 3->StepMessage . 3->BlockClosure . 3->Metaclass . 3->WeakSet . 3->AdditionalMethodState . 3->Object . 2->ClassOrganizer . 2->Monitor . 2->LargePositiveInteger . 2->Morph . 2->RightGripMorph . 2->DependentsArray . 2->PluggableSystemWindow . 2->LeftGripMorph . 2->BottomRightGripMorph . 2->SHTextStylerST80 . 2->Pragma . 2->PragmaPreference . 2->TranslucentColor . 2->TopGripMorph . 2->BottomLeftGripMorph . 2->BottomGripMorph . 2->MultiNewParagraph . 2->SHParserST80 . 2->TopLeftGripMorph . 2->TopRightGripMorph . 2->SmalltalkEditor . 1->WriteStream . 1->TimeStamp . 1->JPEGReadWriter2Test class . 1->Bag . 1->ClassBinding . 1->MessageSet . 1->MultiDisplayScanner class . 1->RemoteString . 1->Browser . 1->ProportionalSplitterMorph class}
	5: 11 September 2013->{4270->ByteString . 4269->Array . 2141->MCVersionName . 2134->UUID . 2134->Time . 2134->Date . 2134->DateAndTime . 2134->MCVersionInfo . 35->ByteSymbol . 4->Point . 2->Rectangle . 1->TextLine}
	6: 9 September 2013->{3->TextLine . 2->ByteArray . 1->Rectangle . 1->Interval . 1->Point}
	7: 6 September 2013->{4->Association . 4->Array . 3->ByteString . 2->ClassChangeRecord . 2->IdentityDictionary . 2->MethodReference . 2->MethodChangeRecord . 2->IdentitySet . 1->ByteSymbol . 1->Global . 1->ObjectHistoryMark . 1->DateAndTime . 1->WriteStream . 1->WeakArray . 1->CompiledMethod . 1->BrowserRequestor}
	8: 5 September 2013->{343->Point . 310->Association . 218->Array . 211->ByteString . 176->MethodChangeRecord . 176->CompiledMethod . 172->ByteSymbol . 160->Rectangle . 54->Color . 28->IdentityDictionary . 24->AdditionalMethodState . 21->Pragma . 18->ClassOrganizer . 18->MethodDictionary . 18->ByteArray . 18->IdentitySet . 18->ClassChangeRecord . 16->Bitmap . 15->RectangleMorph . 15->MorphExtension . 14->Float . 12->EventHandler . 10->Form . 9->MethodReference . 9->ClassBinding . 9->SimpleBorder . 9->Metaclass . 9->RemoteString . 7->GradientFillStyle . 6->ImageMorph . 4->Dictionary . 4->OrderedCollection . 4->UUID . 4->LargePositiveInteger . 4->MCVersionName . 4->Date . 4->DateAndTime . 4->MCVersionInfo . 4->Time . 3->WeakArray . 3->TextLine . 3->ChangeSet . 2->PackageInfo . 2->MCWorkingAncestry . 2->MCWorkingCopy . 2->WeakKeyAssociation . 2->MCRepositoryGroup . 2->MCPackage . 1->Interval . 1->WriteStream . 1->ComponentInstance class . 1->OSAID class . 1->AEDesc class . 1->ApplescriptInstance class . 1->DescType class . 1->MCHttpRepository . 1->Applescript class . 1->MacExternalData class . 1->ApplescriptError class . 1->CompiledApplescript class . 1->BrowserRequestor}
	9: 4 September 2013->{3->Association . 3->Float . 3->Color . 2->Bitmap . 2->Array . 1->TextLine}
	10: 2 September 2013->{3->Association . 3->Float . 3->Color . 2->Bitmap . 2->Array}
	11: 31 August 2013->{3->Association . 3->Float . 3->Color . 2->Bitmap . 2->Array . 1->TextLine}
	12: 22 August 2013->{329->Array . 258->ByteString . 145->Association . 105->MCVersionName . 104->Date . 104->UUID . 104->DateAndTime . 104->Time . 104->MCVersionInfo . 41->Interval . 19->MethodChangeRecord . 17->Point . 16->MessageNode . 15->TextLine . 15->CompiledMethod . 15->OrderedCollection . 14->ByteArray . 12->Dictionary . 11->SelectorNode . 9->ClassChangeRecord . 9->InstanceVariableNode . 9->IdentityDictionary . 9->IdentitySet . 6->ByteSymbol . 5->LiteralNode . 5->MethodReference . 3->BlockNode . 3->ChangeSet . 2->RemoteString . 2->MethodDictionary . 2->RunArray . 2->Rectangle . 2->WriteStream . 2->Text . 2->WeakArray . 2->Form . 1->MethodNode . 1->Parser . 1->MethodContext . 1->Metaclass . 1->ReadStream . 1->ReturnNode . 1->LargePositiveInteger . 1->LiteralVariableNode . 1->EncoderForV3PlusClosures . 1->TextEmphasis . 1->CompilationCue . 1->DebuggerMethodMapForClosureCompiledMethods . 1->BlockClosure . 1->PluggableDictionary . 1->Set . 1->MCInfoProxy class . 1->AssignmentNode . 1->TempVariableNode . 1->LeafNode . 1->AdditionalMethodState . 1->WeakKeyAssociation}
	13: 20 August 2013->{231->Array . 228->ByteString . 114->Association . 57->MethodChangeRecord . 50->CompiledMethod . 47->AdditionalMethodState . 45->MCVersionName . 44->Pragma . 43->DateAndTime . 43->Date . 43->Time . 43->MCVersionInfo . 43->UUID . 31->ByteSymbol . 30->TextLine . 12->IdentityDictionary . 11->ClassChangeRecord . 11->IdentitySet . 8->Dictionary . 3->ChangeSet . 2->MethodDictionary . 2->ClassOrganizer . 2->ByteArray . 2->OrderedCollection . 1->ClassBinding . 1->FullVocabulary . 1->InstallerTestSuite class . 1->Bitmap . 1->MCWorkingAncestry . 1->Metaclass}
	14: 16 August 2013->{509->ByteString . 422->CompiledMethod . 284->Array . 189->Association . 77->TextLine . 68->MethodChangeRecord . 54->MCVersionName . 47->Date . 47->Time . 47->UUID . 47->DateAndTime . 47->MCVersionInfo . 38->ByteSymbol . 33->ClassChangeRecord . 33->IdentityDictionary . 33->IdentitySet . 31->MethodDictionary . 15->Metaclass . 14->Dictionary . 9->Float . 9->Color . 8->ChangeSet . 6->Bitmap . 4->AdditionalMethodState . 4->ClassOrganizer . 3->MethodReference . 3->Point . 2->RemoteString . 2->Rectangle . 2->ClassBinding . 2->ByteArray . 1->Form . 1->PragmaPreference . 1->Pragma . 1->InstallerUrl class . 1->StringHolder . 1->InstallerUpdateStream class . 1->InstallerSqueakMap class . 1->InstallerUniverse class . 1->InstallerFile class . 1->InstallerWebBased class . 1->Installer class . 1->InstallerWeb class . 1->InstallerMonticello class . 1->UTF8ClipboardInterpreter . 1->InstallerWebSqueakMap class . 1->InstallerCruft class . 1->MCProxyMaterialization class . 1->InstallerInternetBased class . 1->InstallerMantis class . 1->InstallerSake class}
	15: 14 August 2013->{980->ByteString . 832->Array . 531->Association . 307->MCVersionName . 301->Date . 301->Time . 301->UUID . 301->DateAndTime . 301->MCVersionInfo . 281->MethodChangeRecord . 277->CompiledMethod . 63->ClassChangeRecord . 63->IdentityDictionary . 63->IdentitySet . 55->TextLine . 22->Dictionary . 20->ChangeSet . 9->ByteSymbol . 6->Float . 5->OrderedCollection . 5->MCWorkingAncestry . 4->Pragma . 4->AdditionalMethodState . 2->RemoteString . 2->MethodReference . 1->PragmaPreference . 1->PackageInfo . 1->MethodDictionary . 1->MCPackage . 1->MCWorkingCopy . 1->WriteStream . 1->WeakArray . 1->Point . 1->WeakKeyAssociation . 1->MCRepositoryGroup}
	16: 7 August 2013->{4764->Array . 3999->ByteString . 2820->Association . 1806->CompiledMethod . 1775->MethodChangeRecord . 1441->MCVersionName . 1365->UUID . 1365->Date . 1365->DateAndTime . 1365->MCVersionInfo . 1365->Time . 393->IdentitySet . 393->IdentityDictionary . 393->ClassChangeRecord . 159->ByteSymbol . 137->Dictionary . 116->Float . 90->ChangeSet . 72->LinedTTCFont . 69->RemoteString . 33->WeakArray . 31->WeakKeyAssociation . 27->MethodDictionary . 26->LargePositiveInteger . 16->OrderedCollection . 13->Set . 12->ClassOrganizer . 12->MCWorkingAncestry . 11->Metaclass . 6->Pragma . 6->AdditionalMethodState . 5->TTCFont . 5->ClassBinding . 4->TimeStamp . 4->Point . 2->PackageInfo . 2->MCWorkingCopy . 2->MCRepositoryGroup . 2->Rectangle . 2->MCPackage . 1->ST80PackageDependencyTest class . 1->WeakFinalizationList . 1->NullMutex class . 1->MacUnicodeInputInterpreter . 1->ClassVarScopeTest class . 1->ReplaceExistingFileException class . 1->StickynessBugz class . 1->PluggableMenuItemSpec class . 1->ScrapBook class . 1->InfiniteForm . 1->PluggableMenuItemSpecTests class . 1->Promise class . 1->Environment class . 1->ImmAbstractPlatform . 1->WeakIdentityKeyDictionary . 1->MorphicProject class . 1->MorphicProject . 1->Environment . 1->StringHolder . 1->Form}
	17: 26 May 2013->{478->CompiledMethod . 424->Association . 368->Array . 338->ByteString . 235->MethodChangeRecord . 58->ClassChangeRecord . 58->IdentityDictionary . 58->IdentitySet . 51->MCVersionName . 46->ByteSymbol . 33->Dictionary . 32->Date . 32->Time . 32->UUID . 32->DateAndTime . 32->MCVersionInfo . 30->MethodDictionary . 21->ChangeSet . 15->Metaclass . 9->Set . 7->Float . 7->RemoteString . 6->AdditionalMethodState . 6->ClassOrganizer . 4->MCHttpRepository . 3->Pragma . 3->TimeStamp . 3->LargePositiveInteger . 3->ClassBinding . 3->OrderedCollection . 2->MCWorkingAncestry . 2->LazyListMorph . 2->SystemNavigation . 1->PragmaPreference . 1->MCFtpRepository class . 1->MCHttpRepository class . 1->MCSubDirectoryRepository class . 1->MCFileBasedRepository class . 1->MCCacheRepository class . 1->MCDirectoryRepository . 1->MCCacheRepository . 1->MethodReferenceTest class . 1->MCSMCacheRepository class . 1->SystemNavigation class . 1->MethodReference class . 1->Bitmap . 1->LazyListMorph class . 1->MulticolumnLazyListMorph class . 1->MCDirectoryRepository class . 1->InvalidUTF8 class . 1->SystemNavigationTest class . 1->MCEnvironmentLoadTest class}
	18: 24 May 2013->{265->Association . 210->Array . 158->Point . 75->MethodChangeRecord . 70->ByteString . 67->Rectangle . 56->WeakArray . 56->WeakKeyAssociation . 52->IdentityDictionary . 33->MorphExtension . 23->Float . 20->TableLayoutProperties . 20->IdentitySet . 20->TableLayout . 20->ClassChangeRecord . 19->Dictionary . 18->CompiledMethod . 16->SimpleBorder . 15->Set . 13->AdditionalMethodState . 12->Color . 11->Form . 10->StringMorph . 10->Bitmap . 10->AlignmentMorph . 9->ChangeSet . 9->PluggableButtonMorphPlus . 8->MCVersionName . 5->TimeStamp . 5->LayoutFrame . 4->ScrollBar . 4->MethodDictionary . 4->SystemWindowButton . 4->SketchMorph . 3->MethodContext . 3->RaisedBorder . 3->LayoutProperties . 3->ByteSymbol . 3->ByteArray . 3->GradientFillStyle . 2->ClassOrganizer . 2->UUID . 2->LargePositiveInteger . 2->PluggableListMorphPlus . 2->TransformMorph . 2->BlockClosure . 2->RectangleMorph . 2->Metaclass . 2->RemoteString . 2->Date . 2->DateAndTime . 2->MCVersionInfo . 2->Time . 1->OrderedCollection . 1->MCWorkingAncestry . 1->Morph . 1->DependentsArray . 1->ClassBinding . 1->PluggableSystemWindow . 1->MorphicUIManagerTest class . 1->RenderBugz class . 1->PluggablePanelMorph . 1->TranslucentColor . 1->ProportionalLayout . 1->Process . 1->MCWorkingCopyBrowser . 1->EventHandler}
	19: 8 May 2013->{25->Association . 25->Array . 19->MethodChangeRecord . 15->ByteString . 14->CompiledMethod . 6->ByteSymbol . 5->ClassChangeRecord . 5->IdentityDictionary . 5->IdentitySet . 4->ChangeSet . 4->MCVersionName . 4->Dictionary . 2->MethodDictionary . 2->ByteArray . 1->OrderedCollection . 1->MCWorkingAncestry}
	20: 7 May 2013->{123->Point . 67->Association . 52->Rectangle . 52->Array . 32->MorphExtension . 27->IdentityDictionary . 27->Color . 12->RectangleMorph . 11->LayoutFrame . 11->SimpleBorder . 9->EventHandler . 8->Float . 8->Form . 6->LayoutProperties . 4->ImageMorph . 4->ByteString . 4->SketchMorph . 4->GradientFillStyle . 4->SystemWindowButton . 3->Bitmap . 2->ScrollBar . 2->TextStyle . 1->StringMorph . 1->Dictionary . 1->ProportionalLayout . 1->TranslucentColor . 1->DependentsArray . 1->BottomLeftGripMorph . 1->PluggableTextMorphPlus . 1->Workspace . 1->BottomRightGripMorph . 1->TransformMorph . 1->LeftGripMorph . 1->TopRightGripMorph . 1->MultiNewParagraph . 1->PluggableSystemWindow . 1->Morph . 1->SHTextStylerST80 . 1->AlignmentMorph . 1->TextMorphForEditView . 1->BottomGripMorph . 1->RightGripMorph . 1->SmalltalkEditor . 1->Text . 1->TableLayoutProperties . 1->TopLeftGripMorph . 1->TopGripMorph . 1->TableLayout}
	21: 6 May 2013->{827->ByteString . 765->Array . 321->MCVersionName . 316->Date . 316->UUID . 316->Time . 316->DateAndTime . 316->MCVersionInfo . 154->Association . 94->MethodChangeRecord . 65->CompiledMethod . 17->ClassChangeRecord . 17->IdentityDictionary . 17->IdentitySet . 16->AdditionalMethodState . 14->ByteArray . 13->Dictionary . 12->ByteSymbol . 8->Color . 8->ChangeSet . 7->Float . 4->MethodDictionary . 4->Set . 4->Bitmap . 4->ClassOrganizer . 4->WeakArray . 2->Metaclass . 2->PackageInfo . 2->ClassBinding . 2->WeakKeyAssociation . 1->MCWorkingAncestry . 1->MCReorganizationPreloader class . 1->BrowserRequestor . 1->RemoteString . 1->TimeStamp . 1->LargePositiveInteger . 1->InstallerUrlTest class . 1->FilePath . 1->UnixFileDirectory . 1->WriteStream . 1->OrderedCollection . 1->Form . 1->UTF8TextConverter}
	22: 4 May 2013->{288->Array . 237->Association . 133->MethodChangeRecord . 87->ByteString . 48->IdentityDictionary . 32->CompiledMethod . 32->MorphExtension . 27->Color . 23->ByteSymbol . 21->IdentitySet . 21->ClassChangeRecord . 16->Point . 13->Float . 12->RectangleMorph . 11->LayoutFrame . 11->SimpleBorder . 9->EventHandler . 8->MethodDictionary . 8->Form . 6->ClassOrganizer . 6->LayoutProperties . 5->ByteArray . 4->Dictionary . 4->ImageMorph . 4->Bitmap . 4->SystemWindowButton . 4->SketchMorph . 4->GradientFillStyle . 3->ColorArray . 3->WeakArray . 3->ClassBinding . 3->Metaclass . 2->ScrollBar . 2->TextStyle . 2->ChangeSet . 2->MCVersionName . 2->WeakKeyAssociation . 2->RemoteString . 2->Rectangle . 1->StringMorph . 1->PluggableTextMorphPlus . 1->ReleaseBuilderDeveloper class . 1->Morph . 1->RightGripMorph . 1->PluggableSystemWindow . 1->TransformMorph . 1->LeftGripMorph . 1->BottomRightGripMorph . 1->ReleaseBuilderSqueakland class . 1->TranslucentColor . 1->TopGripMorph . 1->TableLayoutProperties . 1->BottomLeftGripMorph . 1->Text . 1->ProportionalLayout . 1->TableLayout . 1->BottomGripMorph . 1->AdditionalMethodState . 1->MultiNewParagraph . 1->AlignmentMorph . 1->TopLeftGripMorph . 1->ReleaseBuilderNihongo class . 1->TextMorphForEditView . 1->TopRightGripMorph . 1->SmalltalkEditor}
	23: 3 May 2013->{2381->ClassBinding . 1217->Array . 771->CompiledMethod . 741->ByteString . 682->Association . 400->MethodChangeRecord . 146->IdentitySet . 146->IdentityDictionary . 146->ClassChangeRecord . 115->MCVersionName . 92->Float . 74->ByteSymbol . 67->UUID . 67->Date . 67->DateAndTime . 67->MCVersionInfo . 67->Time . 66->Dictionary . 53->MethodDictionary . 51->ChangeSet . 41->Alias . 25->Global . 23->Metaclass . 15->Set . 13->LargePositiveInteger . 12->ClassOrganizer . 9->AdditionalMethodState . 8->OrderedCollection . 7->Pragma . 7->LargeNegativeInteger . 6->MCWorkingAncestry . 5->TimeStamp . 3->RemoteString . 2->WeakArray . 2->PackageInfo . 2->MCWorkingCopy . 2->WeakKeyAssociation . 2->MCRepositoryGroup . 2->MCPackage . 1->MCVersionInspector class . 1->Binding class . 1->MCWorkingHistoryBrowser class . 1->ClassBindingTest class . 1->MCSnapshotBrowser class . 1->MCTool class . 1->SystemReporter class . 1->MCFileRepositoryInspector class . 1->Bitmap . 1->MCPatchBrowser class . 1->MCVersionHistoryBrowser class . 1->ScaledDecimal . 1->EToyExpressionTransformer2 class . 1->MCRepositoryInspector class . 1->Global class . 1->DebuggerExtensionsTest class . 1->ByteEncoderTest class . 1->MCMergeBrowser class . 1->MCChangeSelector class . 1->MCSaveVersionDialog class . 1->MCCodeTool class . 1->MCConfigurationBrowser class . 1->Alias class . 1->MCWorkingCopyBrowser class . 1->ClassBinding class}
	24: 25 March 2013->{715->Association . 633->Array . 444->CompiledMethod . 408->MethodChangeRecord . 282->ByteString . 195->ByteSymbol . 133->Point . 104->IdentityDictionary . 98->Float . 97->IdentitySet . 97->ClassChangeRecord . 68->MethodDictionary . 60->Rectangle . 48->ClassOrganizer . 48->Dictionary . 48->Set . 33->Metaclass . 24->ChangeSet . 24->MCVersionName . 22->Bitmap . 18->AdditionalMethodState . 17->Color . 16->TimeStamp . 12->WeakArray . 12->WeakKeyAssociation . 10->Pragma . 8->RemoteString . 4->OrderedCollection . 3->AllNamePolicy . 3->GradientFillStyle . 2->Import . 2->RaisedBorder . 2->WeakSet . 2->Object . 1->FunctionTile class . 1->CharacterBlockScanner class . 1->NamePolicy class . 1->PackageInfo . 1->EnvironmentInfo . 1->ImportTest class . 1->MultiCompositionScanner class . 1->MCWorkingAncestry . 1->MultiCanvasCharacterScanner class . 1->CompositionScanner class . 1->ExplicitNamePolicy class . 1->AliasTest class . 1->LargePositiveInteger . 1->DisplayScanner class . 1->AddPrefixNamePolicyTest class . 1->AddPrefixNamePolicy class . 1->CharacterScanner class . 1->RemovePrefixNamePolicyTest class . 1->MorphExtensionPlus class . 1->FunctionNameTile class . 1->ExplicitNamePolicyTest class . 1->NamePolicyTest class . 1->MultiCharacterBlockScanner class . 1->GlobalTest class . 1->Export . 1->MCWorkingCopy . 1->AllNamePolicy class . 1->Import class . 1->BindingPolicy class . 1->EToysLauncher class . 1->MCRepositoryGroup . 1->MultiCharacterScanner class . 1->RemovePrefixNamePolicy class . 1->WideSymbol . 1->AllNamePolicyTest class . 1->Export class . 1->ExportTest class . 1->MCPackage . 1->BindingPolicyTest class . 1->SegmentScanner class . 1->Form . 1->AnObsoleteBindingTest class . 1->CanvasCharacterScanner class}
	25: 4 March 2013->{294->Array . 185->ByteString . 94->MCVersionName . 81->DateAndTime . 81->Date . 81->Time . 81->MCVersionInfo . 81->UUID . 65->Association . 34->MethodChangeRecord . 30->ClassChangeRecord . 30->IdentityDictionary . 30->IdentitySet . 14->Dictionary . 14->ChangeSet . 9->CompiledMethod . 2->MCWorkingAncestry . 2->OrderedCollection . 1->Point . 1->ByteSymbol}
	26: 27 February 2013->{115->Association . 115->Array . 105->TextColor . 67->Color . 18->TextEmphasis . 4->Float . 2->Bitmap . 1->IdentityDictionary . 1->Dictionary}
	27: 26 February 2013->{1->Association . 1->AdditionalMethodState}

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