[Vm-dev] (No Subject)

gettimothy gettimothy at zoho.com
Sat Feb 1 13:38:35 UTC 2014

>> Not necessarily. There should be a SimulatorMorph that holds onto the simulator itself and embeds the image morph. That could present a nice UI, and could either handle events itself, or register event handlers with the image morph. If you need UI ideas I suggest you try my >>SqueakJS morph (which essintially is also a VM simulator): http://lively-web.org/users/bert/squeak.html It's a shame we never bothered to make the simulator this nice ;) 
>It would be great if someone were to take inspiration from Bert's SqueakJS 
>morph and do something similar for the traditional VM simulators. 
>Personally, it's inspiring me to want to learn about JS some day soon. That 
>lively VM is seriously impressive. 
Bert's work is inspiring and a very impressive.

After mulling on it yesterday and poking around a bit, I decided Bert's Morphic approach is the way to go for now. 
My reasoning is that I saw no easy way of filtering out mouse-move events from other mouse events (most mouse move events happen outside the scope of the simulator) 
and mouse coordinate translation is needed with the Semaphore approach.

Please bear in mind that my stated goal is to port the StackInterpreterSimulator /StackInterpreter to native 64 bits and then to 64x64 (native 64 running a 64 bit image).
That exercise is the foundation of upping my programming chops so that I can break out of the UI/Web/DB application programmer rut I am in.
>From there, Eliot needs help porting Cog to 64 native.

I do not want to detour from that goal too much except to correct learning deficiencies and to help with some fixes to plugins.

That said, I do have a free day or two so I will try to stub what Bert has in place visually with the idea of bringing in the functionality as I learn it. 
I REALLY like that step functionality, and the view of the MethodContext.

Also, I do not understand how debuggers work, and looking at what Bert has, it looks like a lot of debugger techniques are used; That in itself is a very useful exercise.

>Tim R. wrote:
>A useful UI for the simulator would allow pushing in events that are *not* those going on in the outer world; some way to send in a variety of keyboard/button events would help with making sure that the event handling can cope with variations not provided by your host. For >example, some platforms send a triple of keydown/keystroke/keyup for each keyboard press. Some do it quite differently. Or say one is trying to develop handling for a new event that isn’t actually provided by any VM yet (OS_TeaTime_Alert, for example) and you want to make >sure it can work. 
>At the very least it might lead to some decent documentation of WTF goes on down there. 
Tim. I have this noted in my working notes.  Since events are just CArrayAccessors, the structure is fixed and I do think a pop-up that allows you to set and send an event that is fed to the interpreter is doable.



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