[Vm-dev] Pharo VM bug 11130

Stephan Eggermont stephan at stack.nl
Thu Mar 27 20:09:24 UTC 2014

I’ve been triangulating a long-standing bug in the Pharo VM, which 
seems to have been fixed in Squeak.

1 to: 1000 do: [ :i |
        | string |
        Transcript show: 'Iteration '; show: i; cr.
        1 timesRepeat: [ 
            (string := String new: 1000 withAll: $a)

reliably managed to trigger the bug. It manifested itself 
in a number of different ways. Early VMs just crashed, 
later Squeak ones work, Pharo ones show different results.

2636 from 16 dec 2012 and earlier crash
2640 from 20 dec 2012 and later work.

Does anyone remember what changed in that period?

Stephan Eggermont



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