[Vm-dev] Re: [Pharo-dev] Initial versions for OSWindow and Woden

btc at openinworld.com btc at openinworld.com
Sat May 31 12:34:47 UTC 2014

Hi Ronie,  This is really exciting (and I've cross-posted to vm-dev). I 
guess this will help multi-monitor displays to have a window on each 

Ronie Salgado wrote:
> Hello There,
> I have been working in OSWindow, which is a cross platform API for 
> dealing with native operating system windows. This API requires using 
> a custom VM and the library SDL2.
> With this API, even the main Pharo window is handled almost completely 
> in image side using NativeBoost.
> The only support required from the VM is a small periodical check in 
> the heartbeat about the presence of events. This no more than 10 lines 
> of code.

Is there much you needed to change/delete from the existing VM window 
initialization.  Since the VM is shared with other Smalltalk platforms, 
how compatible would this be to maintain in parallel with the existing 
VM windows initialization?
cheers -ben

> This is currently working very well in my Linux machine, so I need to 
> start testing this stuff.
> For Windows, soon I will be building the custom VM. My last built was 
> very dirty and I want to do something more clean.
> For Mac OS X, I don't have one for testing. But Alex is going allow me 
> to borrow one for some time. So be patience.
> As for Woden, it is a new 3D graphics engine that I started making. 
> This one requires currently support of OSWindow and also shows some 
> cool stuffs.
> As for prebuilt versions of the VM with OSWindow support along with 
> preloaded images for both, OSWindow and Woden. And screenshots.
> Well, I am putting them here: http://ronie.cl/OSWindow/
> Greetings,
> Ronie

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