[Vm-dev] Simulator tutorial

Ben Coman btc at openinworld.com
Thu Apr 7 12:53:31 UTC 2016

One of the advertised niceties is running the VM in a simulator.  I've
been wondering for a while how to try it.  I found this ancient
which saves current image as 'source.image'
then in original image does...
    (InterpreterSimulatorLSB new openOn: 'source.image') test
as advised at 2:15, but I get "Error: basicNew: failed"
at the line methodCache := Array new: MethodCacheSize.
where MethodCacheSize is nil.

Is this still the correct way to invoke the simulator?

I tried also "(StackInterpreterSimulatorLSB new openOn: 'source.image') test"
with same result.

If I use the example at the bottom of StackInterpreterSimulator class comment
I get "Error: incomaptible image format"

Also btw, the class comment of SimulatorMorph references
Simulator>>openAsMorph which doesn't exist. Should this be

I'm running on Linux-x86 platform.

cheers -ben

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