[Vm-dev] Amazing ARM simulator experience

Eliot Miranda eliot.miranda at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 17:43:24 UTC 2016

Hi All,

    just had to tell people about this morning's experience using the ARM
simulator.  I've been building Smalltalk VMs since 1983, so 33 years.  My
first on the Three Rivers PERQ was dog slow.  My undergraduate project was
done the the National Semiconductor 32016 based Whitechapel Computer Works
workstation and its and 32032-based successor.

This morning I was revamping register management in Cog's ARMv5/v6 back
end, making more registers available by using two of the C argument
registers for two of registers the Cogit assigns to various fixed tasks,
and using store and load multiple instructions to save and restore
concisely the registers around calls into the runtime.

Remember the architecture here.  The simulator generates ARM machine code
into the ByteArray that re[resents the address space, holding all of
generated machine code, a small C stack, and the Smalltalk heap.  A plugin,
derived from Gdb's ARM simulator written in C, interprets that machine
code, running for a couple of milliseconds at a time in a loop, applying
breakpoint calculations, and asserts on every call into the run-time, and
that calls into the run-time and accesses of variables in the simulator is
done by using illegal addresses in the generated machine code.  Each
illegal access causes the Gdb-derived machine code interpreter to return
with an error, this error is turned into an exception, the handler for
which maps the specific illegal address into a variable or message
selector, accesses the variable or activates the message selector,
providing the result, and allowing the execution to continue.

In changing the register management I had a test case that worked, an image
that prompted for an expression ands evaluated it, which worked both in the
simulator and with the generated VM.  But the real VM, crashed when used on
a proper image.  So to debug I started launching the real interactive image
in the simulator.

Well, the amazing experience is that that image, whose machine code is
being _interpreted by a C program_ feels /faster/ than my 32016 based
implementation back in 1984-ish.  Quite amazing.  I can open windows, type
text, access source code (was playing with Message Names) etc.  It's
sluggish, but usable.  Amazing how fast modern machines are.  All on my
2012 vintage 2.2 Ghz Core i7 MacBook Pro.  I'm blown away :-)

best, Eliot
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