[Vm-dev] Re: [Pharo-dev] strange array instance

Eliot Miranda eliot.miranda at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 09:26:26 UTC 2016

Um, under /no/ circumstances do what I'm suggesting below.  It will screw
up 320bit images completely.  I've just turned odd SmallIntegers into
SmallFloat54's in 32-bit Squeak.  I hope I won't destroy too many people's
images.  This is perhaps my worst blunder.

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda at gmail.com>

> Hi Pavel,
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 1:40 AM, Pavel Krivanek <pavel.krivanek at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> there is a strange array of size 1024 in the Pharo image that is not
>> eaten by garbage collector even if no object points to it. I guess it is
>> related to Spur.
>> ((Array allInstances select: [ :i | i size = 1024 ])
>>   select: [ :a | a second = SmallInteger  ]) pointersTo
>> What is it and is it accessible somehow?
> It is indeed the first class table page.  It looks like an old bug.  The
> oldest Spur image I can start up has the problem.   The way that class
> table pages are hidden is that they have a class index which is not that of
> Array.  Array is at index 52 in the class table (51 zero-relative, Array
> identityHash = 51), but it is also at index 17 (16 zero-relative).  Array
> allInstances looks for objects whose class index is 51, hence not seeing
> the class table pages, which all (but the first) have class index 16.
> Luckily we can fix the problem easily, and we can fix another problem at
> the same time, which is that SmallFloat64 has the wrong hash.
> The class table is two-level; a (hidden) array of Arrays.  Classes are in
> the class table at their identityHashes (so that to instantiate a class one
> copies the class's identity hash into the classIndex of the new instance
> instead of having to search the class table).  But when SmallFloat64 was
> created in the 32-bit image I forgot to give it the right hash and store it
> in the class table.  (there are no SmallFloat64 instances in a 32-bit
> image, only in 64-bits).
> So we can first change SmallFloat64's hash to 3, which is what the Spur
> 64-bit VM and image require, and enter it into the first class table page,
> and then we can make the first class table page disappear.
> | firstClassTablePage clone |
> "The first class table page is the first Array instance. Of course this is
> a bug."
> firstClassTablePage := Array someInstance.
> "It should contain only nil and classes."
> self assert: (firstClassTablePage allSatisfy: [:e| e == nil or: [e
> isBehavior]]).
> "And its first 17 elements should only be the immediate classes and Array,
> since Array is used as the class pun for class table pages, with index 17
> (16 zero-relative)"
> self assert: (firstClassTablePage first: 17) asSet = {nil. SmallInteger.
> Character. Array} asSet.
> "It just so happens that the second Array is the specialSelectors"
> self assert: Array someInstance nextInstance == Smalltalk specialSelectors.
> "Store SmallFloat64 in the first class table page at index 4 (3
> zero-relative)."
> firstClassTablePage at: 4 put: SmallFloat64.
> "Use the secret set identity hash primitive to set SmallFloat64's
> identityHash to 3."
> SmallFloat64 tryPrimitive: 161 withArgs: #(3).
> "Now create an object that looks like Array class, but has identityHash
> 16."
> "Take a shallow copy of Array class."
> clone := Array shallowCopy.
> "Change it into an Array."
> Array adoptInstance: clone.
> "Set its identityHash to 16."
> clone tryPrimitive: 161 withArgs: #(16).
> "Use the adoptInstance: primitive to ``set the class of the
> firstClassTablePage to the cone''.
>  or, more accurately, to set the firstClassTablePage's class index to 16."
> clone tryPrimitive: 160 withArgs: {firstClassTablePage}
> With the above done, we can check that everything is ok."
> self assert: SmallFloat64 identityHash = 3.
> self assert: Array someInstance == Smalltalk specialSelectors.
> "A class table page is 1024 slots, contains only nil or behaviours, and
> contains at least one behaviour (is not all nils).  There shouldn't be any
> that we can find."
> self assert: (self systemNavigation allObjects select: [:o| o isArray and:
> [o size = 1024 and: [(o allSatisfy: [:e| e == nil or: [e isBehavior]]) and:
> [o anySatisfy: [:e| e isBehavior]]]]]) size = 0
> I recommend you create an update map.  Then create a version of kernel
> with a post-load action, written something like this:
> (Array someInstance size = 1014
>  and: [(Array someInstance allSatisfy: [:e| e == nil or: [e isBehavior]])
>  and: [(firstClassTablePage first: 17) asSet = {nil. SmallInteger.
> Character. Array} asSet]]) ifTrue:
> [| firstClassTablePage clone |
> firstClassTablePage := Array someInstance.
> self assert: (firstClassTablePage allSatisfy: [:e| e == nil or: [e
> isBehavior]]).
> self assert: (firstClassTablePage first: 17) asSet = {nil. SmallInteger.
> Character. Array} asSet.
> firstClassTablePage at: 4 put: SmallFloat64.
> SmallFloat64 tryPrimitive: 161 withArgs: #(3).
> clone := Array shallowCopy.
> Array adoptInstance: clone.
> clone tryPrimitive: 161 withArgs: #(16).
> clone tryPrimitive: 160 withArgs: {Array someInstance}
> self assert: SmallFloat64 identityHash = 3.
> self assert: (Array someInstance first: 4) = {nil. SmallInteger.
> Character. SmallFloat64}]
> Then create a second update map to ensure that that version of Kernel is
> loaded.
> I will do this for Squeak immediately.
> Apologies.
> P.S. Interestingly enough, it shows what a horrible security hole the
> debugger primitives tryPrimitive:withArgs: and tryNamedPrimitive:withArgs:
> are.
> Cheers,
>> -- Pavel
> _,,,^..^,,,_
> best, Eliot

best, Eliot
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