[Vm-dev] VM Maker: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.117.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun May 29 12:51:09 UTC 2016

Timothy M uploaded a new version of CMakeVMMakerSqueak to project VM Maker:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.117
Author: tty
Time: 9 May 2016, 4:25:46.611767 pm
UUID: 394b3acb-50cc-4183-9766-25a61433ad1b
Ancestors: CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.116

Step by step new configuration help steps written.
cmake .  generates a build system with some inconsistencies that I will fix next. (ie. squeak.cog.spur writes to squeak.cog.v3 directory) and I will update the help so it is correct.

processPlugins needs re-thinking.. the cmake.config file is included in CMakeLists.txt and it contains all the cmake decision code needed to generate a config.h

Should there be a config.h in each plugin directory? or should plugins inject their own config.h directives into the CMakeLists.txt directly?

Moved some of Ian's unix specific stuff down to the SqueakUnixConf .

=============== Diff against CMakeVMMakerSqueak-tty.116 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak>>configDotCameraPlugin (in category 'cmake commands') -----
  	^'PLUGIN_REQUIRE_INCLUDE(V4L2 linux/videodev2.h /usr/include)'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak>>configDotSocketPlugin (in category 'cmake commands') -----

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak>>initializeConfigDotCmakeFiles (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ 	"simple hard-coded Dictionary keyed by plugin name containing the contents of a Plugin's config.cmake file.
+ 	is this true? Currently we are dumping the below into the master CMakeLists.txt file. Should it be in config.cmake? 
+ 	Should each plugin have its own config.cmake in its subdirectory?
+ 	Take a look at configDotCameraPlugin and the non-portable /usr/include therein.
+ 	This has to be rethought and specified correctly. 
+ 	In PostBuildActions the config.cmake file is included in the CMakeLists.txt.
+ 	config.cmake is not from pharo, it is from the original CMake work done by Ian.
+ 	This leads me to speculate that each plugin should write its 'config.cmake' data into the config.cmake file.
+ 	This data should be configuration commands like config_define(THIS_THAT_ETC)
+ 	Looking at configDotB3DAcceleratorPlugin this makes sense.
+ 		"
- 	"simple hard-coded Dictionary keyed by plugin name containing the contents of a Plugin's config.cmake file"
+ 	self flag:'tty. see this method comment.'.
  	d:=Dictionary new.
  		at: #ADPCMCodecPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #AioPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #UnixAioPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #B3DAcceleratorPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BMPReadWriterPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BalloonEngineBase put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BalloonEnginePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BalloonEngineSimulation put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BrokenPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #CameraPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #CroquetPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #DSAPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #DropPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FFIPlugin put: self configDotFilePlugin;
  		at: #FFTPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FilePlugin put: self configDotFilePlugin;
  		at: #FilePluginSimulator put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FloatArrayPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FloatMathPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FloatMathPluginSimulator put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #IA32ABIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #IA32ABIPluginSimulator put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #InflatePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #DeflatePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #JPEGReaderPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #KlattSynthesizerPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #Matrix2x3Plugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #MiscPrimitivePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #NewsqueakIA32ABIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #NewsqueakIA32ABIPluginAttic put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #NewsqueakIA32ABIPluginSimulator put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #OSProcessPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #UnixOSProcessPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #Win32OSProcessPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ScratchPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SecurityPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SlangTestPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SmartSyntaxInterpreterPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #AsynchFilePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BitBltSimulation put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BitBltSimulator put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #BochsIA32Plugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ClipboardExtendedPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FT2Plugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #FileCopyPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #GdbARMPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #GeniePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #HostWindowPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #IOSPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ImmX11Plugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #InternetConfigPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #JPEGReadWriter2Plugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #JoystickTabletPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #LargeIntegersPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #LocalePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #MIDIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #MacMenubarPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #Mpeg3Plugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ObjectiveCPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #QuicktimePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #RePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SerialPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SocketPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SoundPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #TestOSAPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #UUIDPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SmartSyntaxPluginSimulator put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SoundCodecPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SoundGenerationPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SqueakSSLPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #StarSqueakPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #SurfacePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ThreadedFFIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ThreadedARMFFIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ThreadedIA32FFIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #ThreadedPPCBEFFIPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #UnicodePlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #VMProfileLinuxSupportPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #VMProfileMacSupportPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #WeDoPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty;
  		at: #XDisplayControlPlugin put: self configDotCmakeEmpty.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMGeneratorForSqueak>>generateByTemplate (in category 'code generation') -----
  	"attempt to move way from string based writing to  template based. Think Seaside renderOn composition"
  	| extPlugins intPlugins |
  	self flag: 'tty'. "refactor so that the cascade reflects CMake terminilogy"
  	output := String new writeStream.
  	config templates: OrderedCollection new. 
- 	self break.
  		setGlobalOptions: self;    
  		cmakeWriteDirectoriesDotCmake:  self;
  		cmakeIncludeDirectories:  self;   "<---"
  		preferredIncludes;                      "<---why 3  of em?"
  		standardIncludes;                       "<---"
  		setGlobalOptionsAfterDetermineSystem: self;    
  		extraVMSettings: self;                "<--catch-all method. os/platform specific"
  		setCoreSources: self;
  		setPlatformSources: self;
  		setCrossSources: self;
  		cmakeListAppend:'LINKLIBS' elements: (config externalLibs);
  		cmakeAddExecutableNameOptionSource: self;
  		addVMPlugins: self.
  	config templates do: [:each | self puts: each content].
  	config templates: OrderedCollection new. 
  	extPlugins := self generatePluginConfigs: config internalPlugins internal: true.
  	 intPlugins := self generatePluginConfigs: config externalPlugins internal: false.
  	self processThirdpartyLibraries.                       "<--unused in Pharo code? What exactly does this do?"
  	self processPlugins:  intPlugins, extPlugins.
  	self config templates	addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'target_link_libraries' params:(self moduleName , ' ${LINKLIBS}')).
  "	self cmd: 'target_link_libraries'
  		params: self moduleName , ' ${LINKLIBS}'."
  	config postBuildActions: self..
  	config templates do: [:each | self puts: each content].
  	self saveFile.
  	self generateBuildScript!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMGeneratorForSqueak>>processPlugins: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  processPlugins: pluginGenerators
  	| libs libDeps |
+ 	self flag:'tty think this trhough. Is it redundant? answer NO. This adds plugin information to the master CMakeLists.txt file. '.
+ 	self flag: 'tty: gen configDotCMake and gen configDotCmakeEmpty should be moved out of CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak and placed in the wrapper for the Plugin itself. (can it be?)'.
- 	self flag:'tty think this trhough. Is it redundant?'.
  	libs := OrderedCollection new.
  	libDeps := Dictionary new.
  	pluginGenerators do: [:gen |
  		gen doNotGenerate ifFalse: [
+ 			self  puts: (gen configDotCMake at: (gen plugin name) ifAbsent:[gen configDotCmakeEmpty]). "THIS COULD BE A BUG. ONLY FileCopyPlugin is returning ConfigDotFilePlugin data"
- 			self  puts: (gen configDotCMake at: (gen plugin name) ifAbsent:[gen configDotCmakeEmpty]). 
  			gen isInternal 
  				ifTrue: [
  					libs add: gen plugin moduleName ]
  				ifFalse: [
  					"make main module to depend on external plugin, just to make sure it is built 
  					 before main module built"
  						cmd: 'add_dependencies' 
  						params: config executableName, ' ' , gen plugin moduleName ].
  				gen externalDependencies 
  					ifNotEmpty: [ :deps |
  							at: gen plugin moduleName
  							put: (deps fold: [ :a :b | a, ' ', b ]) ].
  			self addSubdirectory: gen plugin moduleName ] ].
  	self cmd: 'target_link_libraries' params:  config executableName , ' ' ,
  		(libs inject: '' into: [:res :ea | res, ' ' , ea ]).
  	libDeps keysAndValuesDo: [ :moduleName :dependencies |
  			cmd: 'add_dependencies' 
  			params: moduleName, ' ', dependencies ].  
  	self generateExportsH: libs.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMGeneratorForSqueak>>processThirdpartyLibraries (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  	self flag:'tty'. "This generate call must be transformed to generateByTemplateFor:"
  	config thirdpartyLibs do: [:each | 
  		each generateFor: self ]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>forTheImpatient (in category 'pages') -----
  		title:'For the impatient'
+ 'Here is the TL;DR synopsis of the methods* I implemented or overrode in creating the Linux64x86w32BitSqueakCogSpurConfig.
- 'Here is the TL;DR synopsis of the methods I implemented or overrode in creating the Linux64x86w32BitSqueakCogSpurConfig.
- For a step-by-step exposition please continue to the next page.
+ A step-by-step exposition begins on  the next page.
- TODO: Fill this in as you go
+ cmakeIncludePath
+ cmakeLibraryPath
+ compilerFlags
+ cmakeAddDefinitions
+ preferredIncludes
+ setGlobalOptionsAfterDetermineSystem:
+ cmakeSetSourceFilesProperties
+ externalLibs
+ cmakeAddExecutableNameOptionSource:
+ customizeVMPlugins
+ specifyingPlugins
+ *If the method uses the Method Redirect Pattern then (in most instances) the method to modify will be for the buildType. ie. ''methodnameBuildType''

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>generatePluginConfigs (in category 'pages') -----
+ 'This method iterates over a collection of InterpreterPlugin subclasses and asks each class to populate itself with some basic information and write out its own CMakeLists.txt in a directory named after the plugin name.
- 'This method iterates over a collection of InterpreterPlugin subclasses* and asks each class to populate itself with some basic information
+ The processing is a bit complicated, but the setup is easy.
- generateFor: aCMakeVMGenerator internal: aBoolean 
+ The collections of  plugin classes are stored in our Configuration. We cover that next in Specifying Plugins'!
- 	^ aCMakeVMGenerator 
- 		generatePlugin: self 
- 		internal: aBoolean
- 		extraRules: nil
- Then it 
- CMakeVMGeneratorForSqueak generatePlugin: aPlugin internal: aBoolean extraRules: aBlock
- 	" this method called back from plugin"
- 	^ CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak new
- 		generate: aPlugin for: self internal: aBoolean extraRules: aBlock		
- Which ends up at 
- CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak >> generateByTemplate		
- Here we see the familiar populating of CMakeTemplate and the writing of CMake output		
- bash-4.2$ cat ADPCMCodecPlugin/CMakeLists.txt 
-   message( "Adding internal plugin: ADPCMCodecPlugin")
-   set(pluginName "ADPCMCodecPlugin")
-   set(pluginSrc "${srcPluginsDir}/ADPCMCodecPlugin")
-   set(pluginCross "${crossDir}/plugins/ADPCMCodecPlugin")
-   set(pluginPlatform "${targetPlatform}/plugins/ADPCMCodecPlugin")
-   set(LINKLIBS )
-   add_definitions(-DSQUEAK_BUILTIN_PLUGIN)
-   list( APPEND sources  "${pluginSrc}/ADPCMCodecPlugin.c")
-   include_directories(  ${pluginSrc} ${pluginCross} ${targetPlatform}/plugins/${pluginName})
-   add_library(ADPCMCodecPlugin  STATIC   ${sources})
-   set(linkFlags "${linkFlags} -m32")
-   set_property(TARGET ADPCMCodecPlugin PROPERTY LINK_FLAGS ${linkFlags})
-   IF(ADPCMCodecPlugin_dependencies)
-          ADD_DEPENDENCIES( ADPCMCodecPlugin  ${ADPCMCodecPlugin_dependencies})
-   ENDIF( ADPCMCodecPlugin_dependencies)
- *Where those collections of  plugin classes are stored in our Configuration. We cover that next in Specifying Plugins'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>pages (in category 'accessing') -----
+ postBuildActions

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>postBuildActions (in category 'pages') -----
+ postBuildActions
+ 	^HelpTopic
+ 		title:'postBuildActions:'
+ 		contents:
+ 'postBuildActions: implements the Method Redirect pattern.
+ ToolSet browse: CPlatformConfigForSqueak selector: #postBuildActions:
+ Since the configuration is configured for buildType: #build the method redirect pattern will redirect to
+ SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #postBuildActionsBuild:
+ We see in CPlatformConfigForSqueak that a sublcass must implement it via ''self subclassResponsibility''.
+ The platform Config SqueakUnixConfig implements this. It can be over-ridden or extended as needed.
+ We have nothing new to do here.
+ '!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>processPlugins (in category 'pages') -----
  		title:'Process Plugins'
  'SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #processPlugins:
+ This method is inhereted from the pharo code. I do not fully understand the reasoning behind it. I expect it will be refactored or rewritten.
+ See the method comment in 
+ SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #initializeConfigDotCmakeFiles
+ Presently it does (at least) three things.
+ First, it adds plugin information to the master CMakeLists.txt file typically the add_subdirectory(''PluginName'') cmake command.
+ Second, it adds plugin information to the master CMakeLists.txt file from the CMakePluginGeneratorForSqueak>>configDotSomePluginName group of methods
+ SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #configDotFilePlugin
+ Third it generates the sqNamedPrims.h file reproduced below.
+ bash-4.2$ cat sqNamedPrims.h 
+ /* This is automatically generated file using CVMMaker on 9 May 2016 2:26:20.906098 pm */
+ extern sqExport vm_exports[];
+ extern sqExport os_exports[];
+ extern sqExport ADPCMCodecPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport AsynchFilePlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport B2DPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport BitBltPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport BMPReadWriterPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport CroquetPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport ZipPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport DropPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport DSAPrims_exports [];
+ extern sqExport FFTPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport FileCopyPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport FilePlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport FloatArrayPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport FloatMathPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport JoystickTabletPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport Klatt_exports [];
+ extern sqExport LargeIntegers_exports [];
+ extern sqExport Matrix2x3Plugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport MIDIPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport MiscPrimitivePlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport Mpeg3Plugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport SecurityPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport SerialPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport SocketPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport SoundCodecPrims_exports [];
+ extern sqExport SoundPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport StarSqueakPlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport SurfacePlugin_exports [];
+ extern sqExport LocalePlugin_exports [];
+ sqExport *pluginExports[] = {
+         vm_exports,
+         os_exports,
+ ADPCMCodecPlugin_exports,
+ AsynchFilePlugin_exports,
+ B2DPlugin_exports,
+ BitBltPlugin_exports,
+ BMPReadWriterPlugin_exports,
+ CroquetPlugin_exports,
+ ZipPlugin_exports,
+ DropPlugin_exports,
+ DSAPrims_exports,
+ FFTPlugin_exports,
+ FileCopyPlugin_exports,
+ FilePlugin_exports,
+ FloatArrayPlugin_exports,
+ FloatMathPlugin_exports,
+ JoystickTabletPlugin_exports,
+ Klatt_exports,
+ LargeIntegers_exports,
+ Matrix2x3Plugin_exports,
+ MIDIPlugin_exports,
+ MiscPrimitivePlugin_exports,
+ Mpeg3Plugin_exports,
+ SecurityPlugin_exports,
+ SerialPlugin_exports,
+ SocketPlugin_exports,
+ SoundCodecPrims_exports,
+ SoundPlugin_exports,
+ StarSqueakPlugin_exports,
+ SurfacePlugin_exports,
+ LocalePlugin_exports,
+ '!
- write me..'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>processThirdpartyLibraries (in category 'pages') -----
  		title:'Process Third Party Libraries'
  'SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #processThirdpartyLibraries
+ I have no idea what this does. It exists in the pharo codebase. 
+ If I do figure out its utility, then the processing architecture will be similar or identical to the Plugin processing.
+ i.e. Libraries will be represented by objects which will have the responsibility of generating ''stuff''.
+ .'!
- write me..'!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp class>>setExecutableOutputPath (in category 'pages') -----
+ 	"This method was automatically generated. Edit it using:"
+ 	"a HelpBrowser edit: #setExecutableOutputPath"
+ 		title: 'setExecutableOutputPath'
+ 		contents: 
- 		title:'setExecutableOutputPath'
- 		contents:
  'SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #setExecutableOutputPath
   We see that this is implemtented in CPlatformConfigForSqueak.
  It creates a CMakeSet object and sets the ''EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH'' variable to self outputDir
  SystemNavigation browseAllImplementorsOf: #outputDir
+ Which redirects to 
- This look customizable too, but I doubt we need it.
+ (CPlatformConfigForSqueak basicNew) outputDirName
+ The #outputDir method is a legacy method from the pharo code. It should be factored out after the dependency on the pharo code is removed.!!' readStream nextChunkText!
- '!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CPlatformConfigForSqueak>>generateByTemplate (in category 'source generation') -----
+ 	self subclassResponsibility
+ !
- 	self 
- 		generatePluginsList;                                        "informative list of plugins for end user"
- 		generateLicense;                                             "Squeak license"
- 		generateUtilsCmake;                                       "Ian's useful CMake macros. used extensivelly."
- 		generatePluginsCmake;                                   "Ian's CMake Plugins Processing"
- 		generateVmBuildCmake;                                  "Ian's CMake Build script"
- 		generateVmConfigCmake;                               "Ian's config.cmake file used to generate gnu config.h"
- 		generateVmConfigIn;                                       "Ian's code, not sure what it does yet"
- 		generateTestDoubleWordAlignmentC;             "Ian's platform tests used in configuration"
- 		generateTestDoubleWordOrderC;
- 		generateTestLanginfoCodesetC.
- 	^ CMakeVMGeneratorForSqueak generateByTemplate: self !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Linux32ARMv6Config>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Linux32x86Config>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Linux64x64Config>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Linux64x86w32BitConfigUsrLib>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Linux64x86w32BitConfigUsrLib32>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakBSD32x86Config>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakIOSConfig>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"N.B. tty. This code was copied from Pharo code and converted to templates. Do not assume output it is complete or correct."
- 	" override to add custom rules after all targets is defined "
- 	self write: self fixLibsTemplate toFile: 'fix_libs.cmake'.
- 	aMaker config templates
- 		addLast:((CMakeSet new) variable:#bundlePath value:  '${outputDir}/', self executableName, '.app');   "no clue what these are. tty"
- 		addLast:((CMakeSet new) variable: #pluginsRelPath value:  '@executable_path/Plugins');
- 		addLast:(CMakeIOSInstallCode new).
- "					FILE(GLOB_RECURSE bLibs /${externalModulesDir}/*.*)
- "!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SqueakSunOS32x86Config>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
- postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
- 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
- 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
- 		ifTrue:[	
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
- 	].
- 	aMaker config templates 
- 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
- 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
- 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakUnixConfig>>generateByTemplate (in category 'source generation') -----
+ generateByTemplate
+ self flag:'tty: will need this in non-unix platforms'.
+ 	self 
+ 		generatePluginsList;                                        "informative list of plugins for end user"
+ 		generateLicense;                                             "Squeak license"
+ 		generateUtilsCmake;                                       "Ian's useful CMake macros. used extensivelly."
+ 		generatePluginsCmake;                                   "Ian's CMake Plugins Processing"
+ 		generateVmBuildCmake;                                  "Ian's CMake Build script"
+ 		generateVmConfigCmake;                               "Ian's config.cmake file used to generate gnu config.h"
+ 		generateVmConfigIn;                                       "Ian's code, not sure what it does yet"
+ 		generateTestDoubleWordAlignmentC;             "Ian's platform tests used in configuration"
+ 		generateTestDoubleWordOrderC;
+ 		generateTestLanginfoCodesetC.
+ 	^ CMakeVMGeneratorForSqueak generateByTemplate: self !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SqueakUnixConfig>>postBuildActionsBuild: (in category 'cmake buildType redirects') -----
+ postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker
+ 	"SystemNavigation default browseMethodsWhoseNamesContain: 'postBuildActionsBuild:'"
+ 	(aMaker config enabledebugmessages)
+ 		ifTrue:[	
+ 	aMaker config templates 
+ 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: (self class name), ' postBuildActionsBuild' )
+ 	].
+ 	aMaker config templates 
+ 		addLast: ((CMakeMessage new) message: 'postBuildActionsBuild: aMaker' );
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'include' params:'config.cmake');                                                 "cmake --help-command include "
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_DUPLICATES config_vars');                      "cmake --help-command LIST"
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ""');          "cmake --help-command FILE"
+ 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigHIn new);
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'CONFIGURE_FILE' params:'${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h');
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'GET_CMAKE_PROPERTY' params:'tmp VARIABLES');
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'REMOVE_ITEM tmp tmp');
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'LIST' params:'SORT tmp');
+ 		addLast:((CMakeCommand new) command:'FILE' params:'WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config.h.status ""');
+ 		addLast:(CMakeAppendConfigStatus new).
+ !

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