[Vm-dev] [OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm] Primitive at put (#539)

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Fri Nov 27 09:44:30 UTC 2020

Try to remove context checking in at:put:.
See if tests pass.
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Remove Cog-Boostrapping -> Cog
  * Fix c return register value following ABI
  * Fix bytecode PC validation: In Pharo some methods may not have trailer, so the last byte is the last bytecode
  * Remove halt
  * Adding a little test for validating the access to contexts.
  * Implement break instruction in ARMv8
  * Rename some temporaries
  * Added primitive at tests for small integer receiver and arrays
  * Added at 64 bits indexable and fixed objects
  * add libtool dependency in readme
  * Merge 9789caa44d3a509a3568e56fbabff18e1f0c28e9
  * Cleanups and refactorings
  * The win32 automatic manifest embedding by specifying the sources in cmake does not work under Cygwin. I changed the way this embedding works by using the resource script files.
  * Install missing dependencies with GitHub Actions for OS X with homebrew.
  * Fix the previous commit.
  * Do not catch all of the exceptions in Windows. This behavior breaks the OutputDebugString win32 APIs which should be a nop when the program is not attached to a debugger.
  * Adding tests for 16 and 8 bit indexables
  * Using LDRSH for MoveX32rRR
  * [Fix] CmpOpcode should be compared to the ARM opcode and not the RTL opcode
  * Add more tests for padding and getting slot size
  * Make tests green
  * Merge branch 'feature/addingPrimitiveNewPinned' of github.com:pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm into feature/addingPrimitiveNewPinned
  * Merge branch 'feature/addingPrimitiveNewPinned' into headless
  * Merge branch 'aarch64' of github.com:pharo-project/opensmalltalk-vm into aarch64
  * Reorganize tests
  * Add immediate at: tests
  * Cleanup: shiftAwaySmallIntegerTags and convertSmallIntegerToInteger are duplicated. Use one and remove the other.
  * Implement aarch64 multiplication with overflow and tests
  * Merge 400508cdb1d903c2ab734b2fbd8d7c0b86fbf270
  * Using the max and min small integers depending on the platform
  * Fix API
  * Merge pull request #110 from ronsaldo/fix-win32-manifest-embedding
  * Adding tests for jitted bit and and bir or
  * Adding some primitives calling tests
  * Testing bitshift jitted primitive
  * Merging the changes
  * Merge 6771b2aed8717e33245dae721eed747cffc0893e
  * Fixing the worker
  * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/addingPrimitiveNewPinned' into headless
  * First draft of a VM debugger
  * Implement JumpFull to correctly get the jump target from a literal
  * Fix management of literals in AndCqRR and AndCqR
  * Adding test for the calling of primitives
  * [WIP] Using a different register for stack pointer management in ARMv8
  * Load C stack pointer and not Smalltalk stack pointer
  * Enhancements to the machine code debugger
  * Adding configuration to mimic the behavior of the stock VM
  * Remove testing code
  * Fixing the crappy text interpolation of groovy
  * - Exposing machine SP to the frontend
  * Having it with different names
  * Extract #prepareCall and fix enilopmart tests
  * Adding upload of packages
  * Merge 680543770670a3c7d6beed718ac356ed850b0bac
  * Fix merge
  * - fix and clean tests mapping this context
  * Adding upload to the server
  * Merge pull request #111 from tesonep/adding-build-with-non-headless
  * Fixing the upload
  * Changing version to 8.6.1
  * Changing version
  * Adding tests for checking the alignment when calling C functions in the Smalltalk Stack. 
  * Fixing the FFI tests
  * Floating point support
  * Fix register assignment for armv8
  * Proper literal usage of SubCqR, TstCqR, PushCqR, PushCwR, SubCqR
  * Implement FMOV
  * Fix proper compilation of MoveRAb with the literal case
  * Fixes for debugging and simulating
  * Merge 2c25d75597f921b70a89c6d50c4ed951ea21c1f8
  * Merge de5cd34dd3096c13936135573287c8ba524a7059
  * Fixing the testing to check the C Stack
  * Merge a658003a8940c9301a47bc31b6b4f7315c04aa26
  * Fixing test in IA32
  * ARMv8 debugger support for new register selection
  * Proper oading of CStack pointers with double SP regime + tests
  * Better comment for LDR and using CMP for Cq=0 instead of CMN
  * Merge 2feb27d944c482d7d0ce41342953688061bf849f
  * Simulation of CWD
  * ARMv8: Pass on floating point point division, multiplication and substraction
  * Fis network simulation
  * Correcting type declarations for #encodeLogicalImmediate:registerSize:ifPossible:ifNotPossible:
  * Fix logical & => translation is not faithful to C semantics.
  * Adding JIT primitive size tests
  * Delegate the capture of CStack pointers to the backend to make better usage of registers
  * Adding tests for primitives
  * Merge 6d4d0ae4cb85184c7617988d7c3b979a76ddeffb
  * Handle SP as source register in MoveRAW
  * Added a second intra procedural scratch register for special SP management
  * Add proper simulation of FP usage
  * isCFramePointerInUse is now a getter
  * Merge 4f7ad7d04283bb1e558ed7dc3551a73954e901ed
  * Adding tests to primitive retry.
  * Merge 2b29bf042f40795735dd9ed1ae785987c8137740
  * Adding test for primitiveFunctionPointer
  * Adding tests for primitiveFunctionPointer
  * Fixing the 64 bit indexable tests for 32bits machines
  * Proper (better?) simulation of sig jumps by restoring SP when jumping
  * Fix MoveCqR and MoveC32R to correctly compute instruction size and usage of literals
  * Merge abe017d9d1bc04fc781d13e0079b138e862dc042
  * Merge 256df8c8b24da1addb07e812f18f2618f86b896d
  * Fix simulation of external primitive table
  * Fix MoveC32R to sign extend constants
  * Remove debugging code
  * Initial support for simulating different initial addresses
  * Fix several cases of CmpCqR: adding tests for several border cases
  * Fix CmpCqR literal calculation
  * Fix to support proper translation of MoveRAw
  * Merge ed7ec0d7faa0e788c09071c7ef0be31fd66e116c
  * Fix type annotation for integers in concretizeCmpCqR
  * Merge d0b8fcb46089d80968a0ade811e52d5f7d518d2c
  * Fix Merge
  * Adding profiling test for primitive calls
  * Merge d0b8fcb46089d80968a0ade811e52d5f7d518d2c
  * Adding accessor
  * Merge ee05c87d2cd82be732a6c3df726f861e569bc873
  * Moving Slang to its own package
  * Merge bb2c768b94e46d46a63fb928dcbbff143945cbb4
  * Add type annotations...
  * Merge bb2c768b94e46d46a63fb928dcbbff143945cbb4
  * Fix blocks
  * Clean usages of block-using methods
  * Initialize external primitive array in simulator with 0s to work as in the real case (and be testable)
  * Merge 550184b2fe4fa1f46776f9fc2f8a2ef07253d3c1
  * More work on cog method relocation
  * Relocating class tags
  * Moving more classes to independent package.
  * Fixing the method used as an example.
  * More tests in code compaction
  * Merge a03538d7b97be5fc3534c84ae1be695bd93e17e1
  * More cleanups
  * Extracted constants into configuration
  * - Adding tests for the machine simulator
  * Merge e7ae7a45e6aaaf3c982673e81c691137d0a11b38
  * Adding more tests and fixing other that have addresses outside the 32bits space
  * More killing of dependencies
  * Move Scanner to Slang
  * Add VMMaker-Slang to baseline
  * Adding tests and fixing the execution with the simulator to execute more of one instruction at the time.
  * Reverting default vmClass
  * - Fixing a missing accessor in the simulator.
  * Merge pull request #114 from pharo-project/improve-machine-simulator
  * Remove unnecessary extensions in Pharo9
  * Changing the JIT to use the StackToRegisterMapping
  * Adding the step to record installed cygwin-packages
  * Fixing an error
  * Adding verbose mode to cmake, to improve the logs
  * Adding verbose mode to cmake, to improve the logs
  * Adding verbose mode to cmake, to improve the logs
  * Adding parameter to the config clone
  * Merge pull request #115 from tesonep/record-cygwin-versions
  * Adding an specific disassembler for ARM to handle the invalid instructions in the middle of the code (we are using them for literals)
  * Improving the machine code debugger
  * Extending the debugger.
  * Organizing the Export Macro
  * Fixing the build in unix
  * Fixing the build in OSX
  * Adding test for forwarders
  * Fixing the exporting of AccessorDepts
  * Split accessor depth calculation
  * Merge pull request #109 from VincentBlondeau/patch-1
  * GIT_CONFIG should be the first parameter, to be ignored by old versions of CMAKE, if it is in the middle, it is taken as part of other commands
  * Merge pull request #116 from tesonep/organizing-export-macro
  * Fixing the type of the instruction
  * Adding tests for the frame creation
  * Merge 96e53ece60b4aef05b4ada5a381ac27dd9e4b356
  * Adding missing instruction
  * Adding the do not generate
  * - Changing the halts to #notYetImplemented
  * Adding missing operations of SmallFloating points and adding tests.
  * Fixing the type of this temporary
  * Implementing
  * Fixing the concretize of MoveCqR to correctly handle big constants
  * Fixing encoding of OrCqR with large constants that cannot be shiffted
  * Fixing the MoveC32R for large negative constants.
  * More cutting
  * Hook Nil translation, return and argument default values
  * Pass on constant resolution and compile time options
  * default implicit return type should be default type
  * More fixes to default types
  * Fixing the instruction MoveRM16r and adding tests
  * [cleanup] use accessor for vmClass instead of direct ref
  * [improvement] removed dependency on vmClass from CCodeGenerator
  * [improvement] removed usage of vmMaker variable from cCodeGenerator
  * [improvement] fixing generation of stack interpreter
  * [fix] fix generation for CoInterpreter
  * Fixing the conversion of SMI to Floats.
  * The exception handle should be the last called,
  * Adding configuration to detect in which thread to show the exceptions
  * Adding filter for showing exceptions in windows. Many libraries handles the errors locally, and out handler is global
  * Merge pull request #122 from tesonep/improving-windows-error-reporting
  * Merge branch 'headless' into aarch64
  * - Moving memory access primitives
  * Adding needed macros
  * Fixing the macro name
  * Moving the ManualSurface to the SurfacePlugin
  * Implementing more FFI primitives in the VM
  * Adding type information to variable that is expected to be used in comparison
  * Fixing the type of the argument before using it.
  * Adding a cast in the call to SQABS functions
  * Fixing flag declaration
  * [improvement] add test on type inference
  * [fix] integer wasn't big enough for a test, fix longPrintOop: type conflict
  * [improvement] add a activable error for type conflicts
  * Improving the generation MoveRMwr
  * [improvement] better name for instance variable
  * Removing unused methods in the implementation
  * [improvement] add accessor to set stopOnError
  * [fix] simple type fixing for the stackVM
  * [fix] fixing last StackInterpreter types conflict. This one might be dangerous.
  * Fixing missing case for MoveMbrR
  * Fixing instruction length and calculus of literal usage.
  * Adding tests and a new instruction
  * Fix superclass
  * Fix typing of fetchLong32: fieldIndex ofFloatObject: oop correctly
  * Moving stuff around to clean dependencies
  * Removing reverse dependency
  * Fixing Baseline
  * Cleanups
  * Organizing Slang in tags
  * More dependency cleanups, starting separating type inference
  * Adding tests for the memory access JIT primitives and fixing the missing instructions
  * Returning a value to comply with the translation to C
  * The machine implementatio of primitiveAt should not SignExtend the numbers.
  * Fixing encoding of instruction CmpCqR and adding tests.
  * Merge 3152f2f6734f5b3d01e2cbd04bd8ef0ba2f21852
  * Merge CCode Generator
  * Fix obsolete reference
  * Making the build pass
  * Uncommenting Cogit generation
  * Restore sq.h
  * Recover inheritance rules of cogit and memory...
  * Do not check for bindingOf: in classes
  * Correct the control flow
  * Remove halt
  * Fix options
  * Restore preamble
  * Rely on Slang Type inference
  * Fix primitive compilation
  * Fix externalPrimitiveTable for simulation
  * Merge 8353b0f4b952c59c7a8d0ad4dfbd27fcb736d6f9
  * Fix conflicting instance variable
  * Fixing last merge details
  * Moving CArray + friends to Slang
  * Fix broken global reference
  * Fix assertion warnings
  * Merge pull request #126 from pharo-project/enh/split-slang2
  * Merge branch 'headless' into fix/assertion-warning
  * Merge pull request #128 from pharo-project/fix/assertion-warning
  * Remove context checking for at:put:

-- File Changes --

    A .gitattributes (1)
    A .github/workflows/continuous-integration-workflow.yaml (121)
    M CMakeLists.txt (205)
    M Jenkinsfile (107)
    M README.md (140)
    A docs/20200315-Statement about the VM.pdf (0)
    A docs/overview.md (53)
    A docs/vmArticle - 1.png (0)
    M extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltDispatch.c (14)
    M extracted/plugins/BitBltPlugin/src/common/BitBltGeneric.c (26)
    M extracted/plugins/FileAttributesPlugin/src/common/FileAttributesPlugin.c (9)
    M extracted/plugins/FileAttributesPlugin/src/win/faSupport.c (37)
    M extracted/plugins/FilePlugin/include/common/FilePlugin.h (2)
    D extracted/plugins/FilePlugin/src/common/FilePlugin.c (1883)
    M extracted/plugins/FilePlugin/src/common/sqFilePluginBasicPrims.c (76)
    M extracted/plugins/FilePlugin/src/osx/sqUnixFile.c (4)
    M extracted/plugins/FilePlugin/src/unix/sqUnixFile.c (4)
    M extracted/plugins/FilePlugin/src/win/sqWin32FilePrims.c (202)
    M extracted/plugins/IA32ABI/src/common/arm32abicc.c (9)
    M extracted/plugins/IA32ABI/src/common/arm64abicc.c (11)
    M extracted/plugins/IA32ABI/src/common/ia32abicc.c (9)
    M extracted/plugins/IA32ABI/src/common/ppc32abicc.c (9)
    M extracted/plugins/IA32ABI/src/common/x64sysvabicc.c (12)
    M extracted/plugins/IA32ABI/src/common/x64win64abicc.c (9)
    M extracted/plugins/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/src/common/jerror.c (13)
    M extracted/plugins/JPEGReadWriter2Plugin/src/common/jmemmgr.c (9)
    M extracted/plugins/LargeIntegers/src/common/LargeIntegers.c (9)
    R extracted/plugins/SocketPlugin/src/common/SocketPluginImpl.c (631)
    D extracted/plugins/SocketPlugin/src/win/sqWin32NewNet.c (2667)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/ARM32FFIPlugin.c (55)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/ARM64FFIPlugin.c (56)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/IA32FFIPlugin.c (6)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/X64SysVFFIPlugin.c (56)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/X64Win64FFIPlugin.c (53)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/sqFFIPlugin.c (38)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/common/sqManualSurface.c (21)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/unix/any-libffi.c (4)
    D extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/unix/ffi-test-main.c (666)
    D extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/unix/ffi-test.c (155)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/unix/ppc-darwin.c (32)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/unix/ppc-sysv.c (22)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/unix/x86-sysv.c (56)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakFFIPrims/src/win/sqWin32FFI.c (20)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakSSL/include/unix/openssl_overlay.h (25)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakSSL/src/osx/sqMacSSL.c (94)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakSSL/src/unix/sqUnixSSL.c (121)
    M extracted/plugins/SqueakSSL/src/win/sqWin32SSL.c (87)
    M extracted/plugins/SurfacePlugin/src/common/SurfacePlugin.c (107)
    A extracted/plugins/SurfacePlugin/src/common/sqManualSurface.c (168)
    M extracted/plugins/UnixOSProcessPlugin/src/common/UnixOSProcessPlugin.c (20)
    M extracted/vm/include/common/dispdbg.h (20)
    M extracted/vm/include/common/sq.h (113)
    M extracted/vm/include/common/sqAssert.h (23)
    M extracted/vm/include/common/sqMemoryAccess.h (2)
    M extracted/vm/include/common/sqVirtualMachine.h (10)
    R extracted/vm/include/common/sqaio.h (33)
    M extracted/vm/include/osx/sqPlatformSpecific.h (33)
    M extracted/vm/include/unix/sqPlatformSpecific.h (22)
    M extracted/vm/include/win/sqPlatformSpecific.h (53)
    M extracted/vm/include/win/sqWin32.h (20)
    M extracted/vm/include/win/sqWin32Alloc.h (11)
    R extracted/vm/src/common/heartbeat.c (138)
    M extracted/vm/src/common/sqExternalSemaphores.c (150)
    M extracted/vm/src/common/sqHeapMap.c (10)
    M extracted/vm/src/common/sqNamedPrims.c (92)
    M extracted/vm/src/common/sqVirtualMachine.c (25)
    A extracted/vm/src/osx/aioOSX.c (413)
    M extracted/vm/src/unix/aio.c (418)
    M extracted/vm/src/unix/sqUnixCharConv.c (43)
    A extracted/vm/src/win/aioWin.c (384)
    M extracted/vm/src/win/sqWin32Directory.c (4)
    D extracted/vm/src/win/sqWin32Heartbeat.c (493)
    M extracted/vm/src/win/sqWin32SpurAlloc.c (108)
    D include/aioWin.h (5)
    R include/pharovm/config.h.in (5)
    R include/pharovm/debug.h (22)
    R include/pharovm/errorCode.h (0)
    A include/pharovm/exportDefinition.h (13)
    R include/pharovm/fileDialog.h (0)
    A include/pharovm/imageAccess.h (43)
    A include/pharovm/interpreter.h (66)
    A include/pharovm/macros.h (71)
    A include/pharovm/pThreadedFFI/callbacks.h (52)
    A include/pharovm/pThreadedFFI/pThreadedFFI.h (32)
    A include/pharovm/pThreadedFFI/pThreadedFFIUtils.h (26)
    A include/pharovm/pThreadedFFI/worker.h (20)
    A include/pharovm/pThreadedFFI/workerTask.h (32)
    R include/pharovm/parameterVector.h (0)
    R include/pharovm/parameters.h (3)
    R include/pharovm/pathUtilities.h (0)
    R include/pharovm/pharo.h (15)
    R include/pharovm/pharoClient.h (2)
    A include/pharovm/semaphores/pSemaphore.h (11)
    A include/pharovm/semaphores/pharoSemaphore.h (9)
    A include/pharovm/semaphores/platformSemaphore.h (27)
    R include/pharovm/sqNamedPrims.h (0)
    R include/pharovm/stringUtilities.h (0)
    A include/pharovm/threadSafeQueue/threadSafeQueue.h (14)
    M macros.cmake (61)
    M osx.cmake (51)
    R packaging/linux/bin/launch.sh.in (23)
    R packaging/linux/launch.sh.in (24)
    M plugins.cmake (7)
    D plugins/SocketPlugin/win32/src/win32SocketPluginExtras.c (24)
    M plugins/UUIDPlugin/common/UUIDPlugin.c (2)
    M resources/mac/Info.plist.in (28)
    M resources/windows/Pharo.exe.manifest.in (5)
    M resources/windows/Pharo.rc.in (2)
    A resources/windows/PharoConsole.exe.manifest.in (31)
    A resources/windows/PharoConsole.rc.in (32)
    A scripts/installCygwin.ps1 (32)
    M scripts/installVMMaker.st (2)
    A scripts/runScriptInCygwinBash.ps1 (30)
    A scripts/runTests.sh (87)
    M smalltalksrc/BaselineOfVMMaker/BaselineOfVMMaker.class.st (91)
    D smalltalksrc/Cog-Bootstrapping/CommandLineLauncher.class.st (47)
    D smalltalksrc/Cog-Bootstrapping/InstructionStream.extension.st (9)
    D smalltalksrc/Cog-Bootstrapping/MessageNode.extension.st (50)
    D smalltalksrc/Cog-Bootstrapping/package.st (1)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsIA32Alien.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsIA32Alien64.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsIA32AlienTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsIA32Plugin.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsPlugin.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsX64Alien.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsX64Alien64.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BochsX64Plugin.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BytecodeEncoder.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/BytecodeEncoderPutschEditor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/ClassHierarchyDuplicator.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/ClosureLabelsPrintEditor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/CogProcessorAlien.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/CogScripts.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/CogVMTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/Context.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/CrashReportsMailer.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/DominatorFinder.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/ETC.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/EncoderForSistaV1.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/EncoderForV3.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/GdbARMAlien.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/GdbARMAlien64.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/GdbARMAlienTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/GdbARMPlugin.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Cog/InstructionStream.class.st (521)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/MIPSDisassembler.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/MIPSELSimulator.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/MIPSELSimulatorTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/MIPSInstruction.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/MIPSSimulator.class.st (2)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/MultiProcessor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/ProcessorSimulationTrap.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/ProtoObject.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/Spur32BitPreen.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/Spur32to64BitBootstrap.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Cog/String.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Cog/package.st (1)
    A smalltalksrc/FileAttributesPlugin/FAPathPtr.class.st (97)
    A smalltalksrc/FileAttributesPlugin/FileAttributesPlugin.class.st (1098)
    A smalltalksrc/FileAttributesPlugin/FileAttributesPluginSimulator.class.st (829)
    A smalltalksrc/FileAttributesPlugin/package.st (1)
    R smalltalksrc/Melchor/CCodeGeneratorGlobalStructure.class.st (8)
    A smalltalksrc/Melchor/MLAccessorDepthCalculator.class.st (215)
    A smalltalksrc/Melchor/MLPluginAccessorDepthCalculator.class.st (61)
    A smalltalksrc/Melchor/MLVMCCodeGenerator.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Melchor/VMMaker.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Melchor/VMPluginCodeGenerator.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Melchor/package.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/Collection.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/Object.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintStringFormatDescriptor.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfCharacterFormatDescriptor.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfFloatFormatDescriptor.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfFormatDescriptor.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfFormatString.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfFormatStringTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfNumberFormatDescriptor.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/PrintfStringFormatDescriptor.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/String.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/WriteStream.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Printf/package.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/MockConstantClass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/MockSlangClass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangAbstractTestCase.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangBasicTypeInferenceTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangBasicTypeInferenceTestClass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangCogitSubclass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangCogitSuperclass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangObjectMemorySubclass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangObjectMemorySuperclass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangOptionTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangTypeForArithmeticTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangTypeForDereferenceTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangTypeForDereferenceTestClass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/SlangTypePromotionTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang-Tests/package.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CArray.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CArrayAccessor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CArrayOfLongsAccessor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGenerator.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGeneratorAbsoluteInlineStrategy.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGeneratorInlineAlwaysStrategy.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGeneratorInlineAsSpecifiedOrQuickStrategy.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGeneratorInlineAsSpecifiedStrategy.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGeneratorInlineNeverStrategy.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CCodeGeneratorInlineStrategy.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CFloatArray.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CLiteralArray.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CObjectAccessor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/CPluggableAccessor.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/Gnuifier.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang/ManifestVMMakerSlang.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/Scanner.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang/SlangClass.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang/SlangStructType.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang/SlangTyper.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TAssignmentNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TBraceCaseNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TCaseStmtNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TConstantNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TDefineNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TGoToNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TInlineNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TLabeledCommentNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TMethod.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TParseNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TPrintfFormatStringNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TReturnNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TSendNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TStmtListNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TSwitchStmtNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/TVariableNode.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/VMMaker.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/Slang/VMMakerException.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/Slang/package.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/SpurMockMemory.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/SpurMockProcessorScheduler.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/StackMTInterpreterSimulatorForTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMLinkedList.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMTGenerationTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMTTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockArray.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockCogThreadManager.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockContext.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockObject.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockProcess.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockScheduler.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/VMMockSchedulerAssociation.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-MT-Tests/package.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/AbstractInstructionTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/BitBltSimulationTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CCodeGeneratorTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CoInterpreterTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogARMCompilerForTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogARMCompilerTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogIA32CompilerForTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogIA32CompilerTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogMIPSELCompilerForTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogMIPSELCompilerTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogX64CompilerForTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/CogX64CompilerTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/FloatMathPluginTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/FullSimulationTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/HeapMapTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/IncludedMethodsTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/InterpreterPrimitivesTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/JPEGReadWriter2PluginTest.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/LargePositiveInteger.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/MemoryTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/MiscPrimitivePluginTest.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/RegisterAllocatingCogitTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/SimulatorHarnessForTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/SpurImageSegmentTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/SpurImageTestResource.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/SpurPlanningCompactorTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/SpurTrunkImageTestResource.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/StackInterpreterSimulatorTests.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/StackInterpreterTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/StackToRegisterMappingCogitChecker.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/VMClassTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/VMInterfaceConsistencyTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/VMMakerIntegerTests.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-OriginalTests/package.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Slang/CrossPlatformVMMaker.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Slang/VMMakerConfiguration.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Slang/package.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/Integer.extension.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/SimulatorEventTransformer.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/SimulatorImageMorph.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/SimulatorMorph.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/SimulatorMorphicEventTests.class.st (0)
    R smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/SimulatorMorphicModel.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/SpurMemoryManager.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/StackInterpreter.extension.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/VMBytecodeToIRMapping.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/VMDebugger.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/VMMachineCodeDebugger.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/VMMachineCodeDebuggerInstruction.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/VMMachineCodeDebuggerStackItem.class.st (0)
    A smalltalksrc/VMMaker-Tools/VMMethodBytecodeToIRMapping.class.st (0)

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