[Webteam] Documentation page update

Brad Fuller brad at bradfuller.com
Fri Jun 8 01:24:51 UTC 2007

Matthew Fulmer wrote:
> I am considering doing a large overhaul on the documentation
> page on wwwtest.squeak.org. I started by fixing the broken links
> on the wwwtest site which had already been fixed on the main
> page. 
The use of "Documentation" is a bit of a misnomer for this page. It
really is a collection of useful ways to search and learn about squeak. 
Maybe we should think of another title instead of "documentation", as I
do think something like this would be good on the main site (and point
to the real documentation on the wiki.)

Maybe rename to "Resources"?
Then provide useful ways to learn about squeak, including pointing to

> PS. I am not sure whether to cross-post this message to the
> doc-team list, so I did not. I am not sure if there is or should
> be a definable separation of duties between the two team's goals
My take is that the documentation team is slated to provide ways for
people to learn and edumacate themselves about squeak's environment, the
smalltalk language, etc. I thought the team was going to create better
documentation about the classes/methods and also provide links to all
the wonderful documentation resources on the web (and at Amazon!)

I think it would also be nice if the documentation team helped
developers, or build processes for them, so programmers find it easier
(or force them to!) write documentation about their apps/code in the
future (thus helping you from continually writing documentation!)

I think the webteam is responsible for maintaining the website that
provides a frontend to everything about squeak. That includes ways to
find the documentation, but also other important things that other
groups are responsible for. For instance,  the Foundation, where and how
to download the latest squeak, providing some advertising and PR about
squeak (e.g. the Features page.)

So, I see them different.

brad fuller
 +1 (408) 799-6124

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