[Webteam] Got started

Chris Cunnington smalltalktelevision at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 15:00:05 UTC 2012

On 2012-06-18, at 12:48 AM, Herbert König wrote:

> I got both images running, the newer one is serving the Squeak site on localhost:7780/ the old one is serving the Demo on :8888.

I haven't had such luck and would be interested in how you did that for the SqueakSite, as I haven't made SqueakSite run in localhost. 

Did you use: 

(AIDASite named: 'squeaksite') host: 'localhost' ip: 'localhost' port: 7780

or something similar? 

I'm confused about how Aida separates content from presentation. By this I mean, in the old image if I type: 

SqueakSitePage allInstances size 117

Some of those instance contain strings like 'Welcome to the World of Squeak!' or 'SqueakDVD'. Using 'method source with it' 
to find the location of those strings, I turn up nothing. To be plain, I'm not sure where the SqueakSite actually is. 

The classes format content, but I don't think they contain content. That seems to be in the instances, so I'm not sure how 
that content got into those instances (the Scribo wiki interface) or how to get it out. Am I supposed to drain those instances for XML with SIXX used by the class Persister?

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