[Webteam] Re: [squeak-dev] minutes, servers, restarts, and websites

Chris Cunnington websela at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 2 13:19:29 UTC 2013

> So what's the current state of box4?
Ken has the keys. I asked for sudo to put squeak.org on it a while back. 
He said he wanted to delay that to think about how images will be 
deployed on box4. I believe that was last Fall.

> What was the new set up going to look like? What's need to get things 
> moving forward again?
I think we got as far as a division of tasks between the servers. Box3 
would have Jenkins and Mailman. Box4 would have the images, such as 
source.squeak.org, squeak.org, and map.squeak.org, etc. To move forward 
Ken needs to do some set-up work on box4. Box3 has people running over 
it doing all kinds of things. Ken needs to setup box4 and then open it 
up to others the way box3 has been.

> PS. Janko did add me a while back, and sent me the list admin password 
> so we can revive this list as needed.
That's good. I just got an email of passwords also. I get an "bounced" 
email of about 9000+ email address each day. I'll be looking this stuff 


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