[Squeak Announcements] The Weekly Squeak No.13: November 13th - November 19th

Giovanni Corriga giovanni at corriga.net
Thu Dec 1 11:36:26 CET 2005

Dear squeakers,

Hello, and welcome back to the The Weekly Squeak, a weekly report on
what's going on in the world of Squeak.

As soon as we have announced that the have reduced the Weekly Squeak
gap, real life has caught up with us (well, just with the editor
really). So, it is a great honour to us to present the 10-days late 13th
issue. This is the first issue which adds the Seaside mailing list to
its roster, and also sports an interview with Squeak hacker
extraordinaire Avi Bryant. Enjoy!

In this issue you'll find:

     1. Multiplatform sensor refactoring
     2. New 3.9a images available
     3. A Resource framework
     4. Answers ain't just for newbies
     5. Dabbledb vs WikiCalc
     6. C5-06 Conference
     7. SqueakNOS VMWare Package
     8. Morphic Layout documentation
     9. IMAP client for Squeak
    10. Cees' Refractoring Browser
    11. A poor man's VNC with Seaside
    12. Despamming a Swiki
    13. DoIt refurbished
    14. The annual VM building experience
    15. eCompletion in a workspace with Shout
    16. A Smalltalk job offer
    17. A Squeak post card
    18. First release of Pier 1.0.0-alpha
    19. Small-Land video on Google Video
    20. Some tips on cross-dialect portability
    21. Upcoming Squeak Chats
    22. SqueakViews: an interview with Avi Bryant

You'll find the complete report at
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5740 .

The past issues archive can be found at
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5751 .

The Weekly Squeak has an RSS feed:
http://people.squeakfoundation.org/person/gcorriga/rss.xml .

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