[Squeak Announcements] The Weekly Squeak No.14: November 20th - November 26th

Giovanni Corriga giovanni at corriga.net
Wed Dec 7 12:04:03 CET 2005

Dear squeakers,

Hello, and welcome back to the The Weekly Squeak, a weekly report on
what's going on in the world of Squeak.

It seems like this past week has been a little slow on the news side.
Could it be that the Squeak developer are working at making Squeak an
even better system? Anyway, we are happy to provide you with a good mix
of news from the various Squeak-related mailing lists.

In this issue you'll find:
     1. Pier 1.0.0 alpha: now with access control
     2. A German Squeakland success story
     3. SoapCore 0.8 on SqueakMap
     4. A report on the Bern Smalltalk Gathering
     5. @squeak-mentors.org
     6. MCConfigurations quick howto
     7. Squeakland and particle systems
     8. SQLite3 FFI wrapper for Mac OS X
     9. Squeak on an electronic paper display
    10. Packaging media with Monticello
    11. More work on the bootstrapped kernel image
    12. Upcoming Squeak Chats

You'll find the complete report at
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5740 .

The past issues archive can be found at
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5751 .

The Weekly Squeak has an RSS feed:
http://people.squeakfoundation.org/person/gcorriga/rss.xml .

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