[Newbies] closing/deleting a morph and dependents

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Jun 5 09:43:34 UTC 2007

El 6/5/07 4:24 AM, "Dietmar Schielke" <Dietmar.Schielke at data-experts.de>

> Hi Squeakers, 
> i made a simple morph with submorphs. the submorphs are views for some domain
> objects and are dependents of them ( domainobj addDependent: mysubmorph ).
> Every thing works fine :-)
> but i can't figure out, how to remove my submorphs from the dependents list of
> my domain object, when I close/delete my morphic gui.
> It seems Morph delete does not call delete recursively on its submorphs. Is
> there an other way submorphs get informed when they are removed from the
> screen? 
> Thanks in advance,
> Dietmar 

Could send sample ?
Morph could be viewed as "containers" of all submorphs inside .
As example any Tools is a SystemWindow and a model for it.
Select a Browser as example and you could see have many submorphs.
Deleting the window , delete all submorphs inside.

Or I misunderstanding you ?


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