for SqueakSource...

Marcus Denker denker at
Fri Jan 13 11:17:05 UTC 2006

On 13.01.2006, at 12:09, Cees De Groot wrote:

> On 1/13/06, Marcus Denker <denker at> wrote:
>> I want to be able to *do*, not talk.
> Markus, 21 hours ago you send a mail saying that you'd like to see the
> new server running as
> In response, people raise valid points. is a community
> resource, and we need to be careful with it. We can give out every
> hostname only once.

And I responded to that valid points: Yes, we should merge the two

So the goal is, I guess we agree, to have one squeaksource setup
for squeak (both projects and image). We have all other community
services as sub-domains of, so seems
(for my dumb brain) the obvous solution.

We have just put a day of effort into the new setup, that has eaten
up our time, we will *not* be able to merge the two servers now
(because of time, beacause a better point in time would be after
3.9a is finished).

So we can now either not have until the merge
is done sometime in the future, or take this item from the TODO by
already doing it.

> So, I think that a bit of discussion about how we are going to do it
> is just very sensible. I am a doer, but that is something entirely
> different from just blindly storming forward.

But you need to take care not to allienate people with saying no
to small doable tasks by suggesting to make the task bigger
(and thus make them unmanagable).


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