[Cryptography Team] Integer>>#asByteArray - "asn1 encoding"

Chris Muller chris at funkyobjects.org
Mon Dec 19 02:59:40 CET 2005

Does anyone mind if we rename this method to..  asAsn1Bytes or something?

#asByteArray would seem to be more appropriate for getting the LargeInteger's
internal representation as a ByteArray.  Print this script to demonstrate how
#asByteArray is exactly reversed of the Integers internal representation.

| ba i |
i _ 873984723987498. "a LargePositiveInteger"
ba _ ByteArray new: i size.
	replaceFrom: 1
	to: ba size
	with: i
	startingAt: 1.
{ ba. i asByteArray }

This selector, #asByteArray, should have already been implemented in base
Squeak and usable by serialization for example, but it wasn't yet. 
Nevertheless, asn1-specific code should not hog this name in the namespace. 
I'd like to give it back along with an implementation of #asByteArray that is
congruent with its internal representation.

However, I'm not sure where we are in terms of our lock down..

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