[Cryptography Team] Integer>>#asByteArray - "asn1 encoding"

Hans-Martin Mosner hmm at heeg.de
Mon Dec 19 07:57:27 CET 2005

Chris Muller wrote:

>Does anyone mind if we rename this method to..  asAsn1Bytes or something?
I'd prefer a method name which says what it does, not in which context 
it might be used.
So a method which converts an Integer into a big-endian ByteArray should 
be called #asBigEndianByteArray, and the method to convert a big endian 
ByteArray back into an Integer would probably be #asBigEndianInteger 
(although I like that name less...).

A better alternative is probably to avoid representing ASN.1 Integers as 
ByteArrays altogether. When they are read from a Stream, you can just 
create an Integer, and when you're writing an Integer, you just write 
its bytes to the stream without converting to a ByteArray. A 
hypothetical class ASN1Stream should do that for you.


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