[Cryptography Team] ECC and/or NSA Suite B?

Cerebus cerebus2 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 24 21:01:31 UTC 2006

On 11/24/06, Matthew S. Hamrick <mhamrick at cryptonomicon.net> wrote:
> Actually, they're distinct sets. FIPS-140 supports ECDSA, but not

DH, ECDH, MQV, and ECMQV key establishment is covered in FIPS 140-2
Implementation Guidance, section 7.1.


(Don't ask me why this is under CSRC's 140-*1* directory, but it *is*
the 140-2 guidance.)

> Another thing to note... FIPS-140 supports ciphers that are insecure.
> Namely, DES.

Not since 19 May 2005, when DES was formally withdrawn.  DES is no
longer allowed.

-- Tim

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