[Cryptography Team] Developing in what image/version/build?

Ron Teitelbaum Ron at USMedRec.com
Tue Nov 28 00:40:04 UTC 2006

Hi Tim,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cerebus
> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 5:22 PM
> On 11/27/06, Ron Teitelbaum <Ron at usmedrec.com> wrote:
> > What's not working?
> For one thing, in some combinations of VM & image Monticello won't see
> the Crypto-Config mcz.  In others, MC will see it but it won't load it
> (I can try to reproduce when I get home).

You need to load my patch to get Monticello Configurations to work:

> Plus I'm just generally confused about the whole
> package/changeset/save your project on a server thing.

Go signup at www.squeakSource.com I'll add you as a developer.  The right
way to go here is using Monticello.  Getting up to speed is pretty easy.  
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/43 .

The easiest thing is to just save your changes into our repository.  You can
also save you code until you are ready in your package-cache or in a
separate directory.  I run my own squeakSource image to manage my changes.
> I've also toyed with the Tweak/iSqueak image (which makes more sense
> to me than Morphic, I'm sorry to say) and the Croquet image (which
> seems to be having issues with OpenGL initialization on my Mac), but
> it's not clear to me how close to the mainline Squeak I should stick.
> Or if indeed there *is* a mainline Squeak.  :)

I'm using a 3.9 image.  That's where most of the latest crypto work has been
done.  I suggest you sick with that for now.  

> There's a lot to wrap one's mind around when coming from first
> principles, and picking a development mode & environment is a big one.

Yeah, but you are catching on fast!!


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