[Elections] bug tracker for registration

Lex Spoon lex at lexspoon.org
Wed Jan 4 20:34:20 CET 2006

A bug tracker would be a simple and effective technology for
registration book keeping.  Each "issue" on the tracker would be one
applicant.  The initial "bug report" would be a person requesting to be
registered along with their reasoning for thinking they should be
allowed.  Followups would be people saying what they have verified,
found to be insufficient, or (rarely) found to be false.

Status of an issue would correspond to a person's registration status:

	open - the person is under consideration or dispute
	fixed/accepted - the person is a member and gets to vote
	rejected - the person is not allowed

Someone who is still "open" by the time of the vote simply don't get a
vote.  Too bad.  If you have been left open by accident, you think, then
go pester people....

The power to move a registration from "open" to any other status should
probably be limited to some sort of registration committee.  The choice
of registration committee doesn't matter very much, so long as we choose
reasonably honest people.  I can't think of anyone remotely Squeaky that
I wouldn't trust in that role.  Using Squeak People rank would be one
fine way to start, as would letting the current board appoint a

Note that the registration committee does not have to do the real
verification work if they don't want.  They are simply the final
arbiters.  They can perfectly well defer judgement to other Squeakers
they trust, just like with harvesting bugfixes.

The effort level should be much lighter than bugfix reviewing. 
Applicants are obligated to make their case easy to read if they want to
get a vote.  Reviewers are welcome to ask for more info and then ignore
any person that does not respond.

Overall, this approach does not seem like too much work, and the results
would be a list of members that is objective and widely accepted as a
reasonable definition of the Squeak community.


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