[Elections] A simple SqF board elections solution using SqP

Cees De Groot cdegroot at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 23:30:30 CET 2006

On 1/9/06, Peter Crowther <Peter at ozzard.org> wrote:
> I'd much *prefer* to use our own versions of these tools; I think we're
> going to be up against it to get them stable in the time we have
> available.
Well, the alternative solution is of course to use a simpler voting
scheme than Condorcet, which is probably one of the most complex you
can have (ok, there's STV as well).

Is there so much wrong with just giving everyone 0...7 votes and
making a tally? That'd be trivial to do in our own tools...

(one big reason Condorcet hasn't been adopted, I think, is that it is
so damn hard to explain what happens :-))

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