[etoys-dev] That annoying bug

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Wed Aug 5 00:23:10 EDT 2009

Hi, Alex,

In Porto Alegre last week you showed Yoshiki and me a repeatable bug  
that keeps showing up in a kind of demo of etoys that you like to give  
which happens to use a ticking script that deploys the "look like" tile.

The bug occurs when a copy or sibling of an object which has a  
currently-ticking script which is using the "look like" command is  
"torn off" from the object by dragging from the object's green  
"duplication" handle, with (for sibling) or without (for simple  
'duplicate') the shift-key down.

I've created a JIRA tracker ticket for this:


... and have also provided a possible bug-fix:


which I also attach herewith.

If you get a chance (I know you're on vacation :-)) please file this  
in to an up-to-date Squeak-etoys dev image and see whether this fixes  
the problem you've seen and whether it introduces any new issues.


   -- Scott

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