[etoys-dev] GSoC - Progress on the graphing tools

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire.fernandes at edu.ge.ch
Thu Apr 15 01:30:25 EDT 2010

2010/4/15 Ricardo Moran <richi.moran at gmail.com>

> Thanks Hilaire! It would be great if we had a teacher testing our tools
> with his students. Now that they're public it is posible that some teacher
> could find them interesting :)
> I must admit I'm very embarrased of not having looked at Dr. Geo until now
> (even though Markus told me to do it when we started this project... I
> should have listened to him).

Dont' worry about that, these two projects are different enought to justify
different code base. However it is true it is very possible to link plotting
and interactive geometry canvas. Several interactive geometric software out
there do that. In that case, the locus object of DrGeo is the used tool.
Btw, have you looked at this example for plotting and tangente
http://blog.ofset.org/hilaire/index.php?post/script-drgeo (english
translation link in a comment at the end of the article), it use the
Smalltalk User scripting facility of DrGeo.

> Anyway, what you did is amazing! Truly amazing!
> The thing that most embarrases me is that every geometric object in Dr. Geo
> is a separate morph (vectors, points, segments, and so on). This is so
> obvious I feel like an idiot, but I did it the other way: I made only one
> morph and I change its #drawOn: method. As a result it is somewhat difficult
> to change the atributes of a specific vector without affecting others. I
> will now have to fix my implementation because I didn't look at yours before
> :P

Yes, implementation was carefully thought to follow accutely the object
paradigm: having each geometric object to be a morph give an almost free
bosus: Etoys scripting. This is what lead to this choice and not the
drawOn:.  In the other hand, drawnOn: should be cheaper in term of CPU
consumption. (in fact, I do have an additional level of abstraction with
costume because at the time of implementation I was not sure about using
Morphic or Tweak based canevas, but I will refactor that and remove this

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