[etoys-dev] SQ-529 - Making it easier to add a flap

Rita Freudenberg rita at isg.cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Wed Aug 11 02:54:11 EDT 2010

On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:47 AM, Steve Thomas wrote:

> Updated Priority, thanks.
> Regarding:
> Why not just ask the user, reusing the "make a new flap" mechanism? That's certainly easiest to implement. 
> My thought is to have a flap (non-parts bin) in the supply bin and/or in the object catalog.
> We should also consider re-naming the flap in "connectors" category of the Object Catalog to "Parts-Bin Flap" or something to distinguish the two types of flaps (or more accurately the two flaps with different attributes). 
> The advantage of the "make a new flap" mechanism is it prompts you as to where you want it to "cling" and for the tab wording and then displays the flaps menu to allow you to change certain attributes.  But this is a very different interface to add other objects where you simply add the object (from the Supplies Bin or Object Catalog) then change its attributes.

> And I am more concerned kids with ease of use and discoverability (finding the object and figuring out how it can be used) than making developers lives easier ;)
I don't think it is that much of a problem if there is a difference when adding a flap compared to adding other objects. I'm not even sure if ALL the other objects in the object catalog are working in the same way. 
I would like to hear from Randy or who else uses flaps with kids. Do you think the mechanism should be changed? Of course, flaps should be easier to find, but is answering the questions about name, location etc. a problem?


> Stephen
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> On 10.08.2010, at 23:57, Steve Thomas wrote:
>> FYI, there is also an existing issue for "Need an easier way to add a flap"
>> As Kathleen pointed out we would need to decide upon:
>> What label will be the default? 
>> What location?
>> What color(s)?
>> What we would put, if anything, in the flap? (ex: suggestions on usage a Quick Guide on flaps, etc).
>> Stephen
> Why not just ask the user, reusing the "make a new flap" mechanism? That's certainly easiest to implement.
> Also, you might want to re-adjust the priorities of tickets you care about. If you click on the "All" tab of the above issue you see priorities and milestones were scrapped some time ago. 
> - Bert -
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