[etoys-dev] Etoys developer chat log

Bert Freudenberg bert at freudenbergs.de
Wed Aug 25 09:38:40 EDT 2010

Hi all,

we had only one topic on Monday, about how to make Etoys user-extendable. Ideas welcome.

Full log below.

Hope to see you next Monday, at 12 noon Squeakland Time as usual:


- Bert -

--> scottwal (~scottwal at 99-40-5-235.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #etoys
--> MrSteve (~c004d1c9 at hubble.immuexa.com) has joined #etoys
<bertf> hi MrSteve
<MrSteve> hi Bert
<MrSteve> Thanks for the solution to centering text
<bertf> you're welcome. it's still abug that it does not work for small widths 
<MrSteve> Agreed, but in the grand scheme of things a minor one, looks like there is a minimum width
<bertf> yes. text is unbelievably tricky
<MrSteve> at least for now?
<MrSteve> Oops, type
<MrSteve> typo
<MrSteve> Regarding "packaging up" solutions, does Ricardo's Morph I/O fill the need or do you see issues with that approach?
<bertf> well saving morphs has been there forever
<MrSteve> So Ricardo's solution just makes it easier to discover?
<MrSteve> And scriptable
<bertf> scriptable, yes
<bertf> whcih is not what you want for "packaging up solutions"
<bertf> I still think there is no need to stray from projects as the main etoys file format
<bertf> but there could be a "merge objects from that project into this"
<bertf> which would just load those other objects into the current project
<MrSteve> Thinking Out Loud: So say I have a set of "Tools" I have built and want to re-use . . .
<MrSteve> Never ming let me think about it for a while
<MrSteve> typo: mind
<bertf> One thing I pondered was allowing customized home screens
<bertf> that is, just load it from a project
<bertf> that could have the tools you want.
<MrSteve> For example, and for what purposes/problems you want to solve?
<MrSteve> Ah
<MrSteve> I was thinking being able to add to the Object Catalog a set of tools where you can add your own category
<bertf> "tools"?
<MrSteve> One second someone walked into my office
<MrSteve> Tools, in my mind translates to morph/set of morphs
<MrSteve> My apologies, I need to run, my boss is out and I have delegation and need to take care of some issues
<MrSteve> Thanks
--> Richo2 (~be126361 at hubble.immuexa.com) has joined #etoys
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--> Richo2 (~be126361 at hubble.immuexa.com) has joined #etoys
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--> Richo2 (~be126361 at hubble.immuexa.com) has joined #etoys
<Richo2> hi
<Richo2> have you finished the meeting?
<bertf> hi Richo2
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<-- scottwal (~scottwal at 99-40-5-235.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) has quit (Quit: scottwal)

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