[etoys-dev] Re: Etoys new fonts

Ricardo Moran richi.moran at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 12:40:28 EDT 2010

Hi, I managed to use the new fonts depending on the locale selected.
To test it, update your image, extract the new fonts into the fonts
directory (you can download them from
http://tecnodacta.com.ar/gira/gsoc/new-etoys-fonts.zip), execute:

installFamilyNamed: 'Mona';
installFamilyNamed: 'UnBatang';
installFamilyNamed: 'UnDotum';
 installFamilyNamed: 'DejaVu LGC Sans';
installFamilyNamed: 'DejaVu LGC Serif';
installFamilyNamed: 'DejaVu LGC Sans Mono'.

and then execute:

TTCFont registerAll.
latinFont := TTCFont familyName: 'DejaVu LGC Sans' pointSize: 15 emphasis:
japaneseFont := TTCFont familyName: 'Mona' pointSize: 15 emphasis: 0.
koreanFont := TTCFont familyName: 'UnDotum' pointSize: 16 emphasis: 0.
newFontArray := Array new: 14.
newFontArray at: 1 put: latinFont.
newFontArray at: 6 put: japaneseFont.
newFontArray at: 8 put: koreanFont.
newFontSet := TTCFontSet newFontArray: newFontArray.
TextStyle defaultFont fallbackFont: newFontSet.
Preferences standardEToysFont fallbackFont: newFontSet.

Now when you change your locale to japanese or korean it will use the new
ttf files.
We should now decide which fonts to include for chinese, greek, arabian,
russian, and so on.


On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Ricardo Moran <richi.moran at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I've been testing Andreas code with the DejaVu, Mona, UnDotum, and
> UnBatang fonts. You can install them by copying the .ttf files in the font
> directory and executing the following code (make sure you have an updated
> image):
> TTFileDescription
> installFamilyNamed: 'Mona';
> installFamilyNamed: 'UnBatang';
>  installFamilyNamed: 'UnDotum';
> installFamilyNamed: 'DejaVu LGC Sans';
>  installFamilyNamed: 'DejaVu LGC Serif';
> installFamilyNamed: 'DejaVu LGC Sans Mono'
> For convenience, I uploaded the fonts to
> http://tecnodacta.com.ar/gira/gsoc/new-etoys-fonts.zip. The size is 11.1
> MB.
> I haven't managed to link these fonts with the LanguageEnvironment (so that
> Mona would be the default font when you're using the japanese locale, or
> UnDotum for the korean) but I'm looking into that.
> Cheers
> Richo
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