[etoys-dev] Etoys Inbox: Etoys-bf.47.mcz

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Fri Sep 24 12:32:31 EDT 2010

Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of Etoys to project Etoys Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Etoys-bf.47
Author: bf
Time: 24 September 2010, 6:31:43 pm
UUID: c8af5826-ccf9-472a-b8e3-9fb391b735ab
Ancestors: Etoys-bf.46

Clean up viewer category translations.

=============== Diff against Etoys-bf.46 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: EToyVocabulary classSide>>allPhrasesWithContextToTranslate (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  	| etoyVocab results literals additions |
  	results := OrderedCollection new.
  	etoyVocab := Vocabulary eToyVocabulary.
  	etoyVocab initialize.		"just to make sure that it's unfiltered."
  	self morphClassesDeclaringViewerAdditions do: [:cl |
  		(cl class includesSelector: #additionsToViewerCategories)
  			ifTrue: [
  				literals := OrderedCollection new.
  				cl additionsToViewerCategories do: [:group | 
  					literals add: group first.
  					group second do: [:tuple |
  						literals add: (ScriptingSystem wordingForOperator: (tuple at: 2)).  "wording"
  						literals add: (tuple at: 3).  "help string"]].
  				literals ifNotEmpty: [
  					results add: {cl category. cl class. #additionsToViewerCategories. literals}]].
  		cl class selectors do: [:aSelector | ((aSelector beginsWith: 'additionsToViewerCategory')
  								and: [(aSelector at: 26 ifAbsent: []) ~= $:])
  			ifTrue: [
  				literals := OrderedCollection new.
  				additions := (cl perform: aSelector).
  				literals add: additions first.
  				additions second do: [:tuple |
  					literals add: (ScriptingSystem wordingForOperator: (tuple at: 2)).  "wording"
  					literals add: (tuple at: 3).  "help string"].
  				literals ifNotEmpty: [
  					results add: {cl category. cl class. aSelector. literals}]]]].
  		literals :=( self allStandardVocabularies
  				[:aVocab | aVocab representsAType]
  				[:aVocab | aVocab vocabularyName asString ]).
  		results add: {Vocabulary class category. Vocabulary class. #typeChoices. literals}.
+ 		results add: {ScriptingSystem class category. ScriptingSystem class. #nameForInstanceVariablesCategory. ScriptingSystem nameForInstanceVariablesCategory}.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: EToyVocabulary classSide>>masterOrderingOfCategorySymbols (in category 'accessing') -----
  	"Answer a dictatorially-imposed presentation list of category symbols.
  	This governs the order in which available vocabulary categories are presented in etoy viewers using the etoy vocabulary.
  	The default implementation is that any items that are in this list will occur first, in the order specified here; after that, all other items will come, in alphabetic order by their translated wording."
+ 	^ #(	#'basic'
+ 			#'color'
+ 			#'geometry'
+ 			#'more geometry'
+ 			#'pen use'
+ 			#'tests'
+ 			#'motion'
+ 			#'fill & border'
+ 			#'scripting'
+ 			#'sound'
+ 			#'observation'
+ 			#'button'
+ 			#'layout'
+ 			#'drag & drop'
+ 			#'search'
+ 			#'miscellaneous')!
- 	EToyVocabulary class decompile:  #masterOrderingOfCategorySymbols.
- 	self flag: #(('scripts' translatedNoop) ('variables' translatedNoop) ('as object' translatedNoop)).
- 	^ {'basic' translatedNoop. 'color' translatedNoop. 'geometry' translatedNoop. 
- 		'more geometry' translatedNoop.
- 		'pen use' translatedNoop. 'tests' translatedNoop. 'motion' translatedNoop. 'fill & border' translatedNoop. 'scripting' translatedNoop. 'sound' translatedNoop. 'observation' translatedNoop. 'button' translatedNoop. 'layout' translatedNoop. 'drag & drop' translatedNoop. 'search' translatedNoop. 'miscellaneous' translatedNoop}
- 		collect: [:each | each asSymbol]!

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