[etoys-dev] graphing and watching enhancements

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Sun Mar 4 16:20:43 EST 2012

On Mar 3, 2012, at 5:54 AM, karl ramberg wrote:

> ...Yes, all the stuff will be included. I fixed a couple of issues with graph paper and will add the rest over the weekend.

Thank you, Karl!

Attached now is a fileout that responds to all the issues and recommendations relating to the graphing tools that have appeared in the past few days, and cleans up a few loose ends.  Its preamble:

Change Set:		graphingFixes-sw
Date:			4 March 2012
Author:			Scott Wallace

Addresses various bug-reports and recommendations relating to recent number-line and graph-paper updates:
- Enforce reasonable ranges for the sliders governing the grid parameters, taking the grid-size, coarse-grid-size , and playfield dimensions into account.
- Provide a button to request 'graph paper' from the 'generic property sheet' when appropriate.
- Retain position of number line when its pixelsPerUnit changes.
- Disable the 'offset' when coarse-grid in effect.
- Protect sliders against zero-divide that can happen if minVal = maxVal.
- Protect InfiniteForms against incidental calls to #darker and #twiceDarker that can be sent to any object's fillStyle by some of the custom border code.
- Removes about a dozen superfluous methods that had mistakenly lingered in the earlier updates, and removes three inst vars of NumberLineMorph that were remnants from earlier code….


Sorry this was just a little too late to make it into update 2398, but hopefully these cleanups can get pushed out soon; it wouldn't be good for users to start using the graphing tools before these fixes are in.

Thanks again!

  -- Scott

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