[etoys-dev] x-y plane questions

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Sun Mar 18 17:16:27 EDT 2012

On Mar 18, 2012, at 6:12 AM, Steve Thomas wrote:

> But I couldn't figure out how to change the pixel width of the graph paper, could you point me in the right direction, thanks

Hi, Steve,

Open the attached fileout in a change-list browser (click "changes" button in file-list); the diffs that will show between the versions in the fileout and what's in the image will answer your question :)  In the versions I've sent, the grid-line-width is parameterized instead of constant, and in both cases, for illustration, that grid-line-width parameter is set to 2.

If wider-than-single-pixel grid lines seem viable and useful and don't introduce new issues (need to be sure to test everything with "scale to fit" turned on), perhaps we could add the grid-line-width as another parameter in the graph-paper panel.

With scale-to-fit on, it seems that with both 1-pixel and 2-pixel grid-line widths we end up with round-off phenomenon such that some of the grid lines are thicker than others.  I'm not sure if this is an intractable mathematical consequence or something fixable, but I suspect that it's the former.

  -- Scott

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