Debugging a bug that wasn't.

Igor Stasenko siguctua at
Sun Apr 20 13:25:45 UTC 2008

2008/4/20  <bryce at>:
>  I'm testing and debugging before the 0.14 release. The major benefit
>  is faster compile times and better generated code. There's around a
>  10% gain or loss for the macro benchmarks depending on what's
>  compiled.
>  The bug was triggered by the below code. Originally it was compiling
>  "^[42] value". The set-up shown below is what generates the fault
>  without needing to compile the code. The fault was odd because it
>  wasn't crashing, and wasn't stuck in an infinite loop but the image
>  had locked up.
>  I was investigating by interrupting execution with gdb and looking at
>  both the Smalltalk stack using "p printCallStack()" and the C stack
>  using "where". Normally, if compiled code was corrupting the object
>  memory it would crash fairly quickly. That it kept executing, which
>  could be seen because the Smalltalk stack kept changing was weird.  If
>  the GC's got a corrupt view of the object memory then normally it'll
>  end up really corrupting it when it decides to try to interpret the
>  middle of an object as an object header.
>  The "Error signal." at the front of the test is because running the
>  test will lock up the image. This allows the rest of the suite to
>  be run.
>     testInterruptCausesCrashes
>         "Crashing is a failure"
>         | processes |
>         Error signal.
>         self compileExpression: 'self createPoint'.
>         processes := (1 to: 10) collect:
>             [:each| [[(ExuperyProfiler
>                spyOn: [(Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait])
>                  queueCompilationCommandsOn: SharedQueue2 new] repeat] fork.
>         "Force a garbage collect on every allocation"
>         SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 5 put: 1.
>         10000 timesRepeat: [self example].
>         Exupery log: 'after running example'.
>         "Reset garbage collects to a sensible value"
>         SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 5 put: 4000.
>         processes do: [:each| each terminate].
>     createPoint
>         "^ 10 @ 20"
>  What I think is happening is the 10 profiling processes end up
>  consuming all the time and starving the user level process so it
>  never completes and never resets the garbage collector's collection
>  rate to a sane value. Having produced the lockup twice without any
>  compiled code, I'm reasonably happy that this is the case.

GC signals a semaphore after finishing (don't remember - is weak
finalization process using it or different one).
I'm not sure, can it somehow interfere with given case?

If weak finalization loop creates new objects, it can lead to
exclusive looping in it, because user processes running with lower


	[true] whileTrue:
		[FinalizationSemaphore wait.
		FinalizationLock critical:
			[FinalizationDependents do:
				[:weakDependent |
				weakDependent ifNotNil:
					[weakDependent finalizeValues.
					"***Following statement is required to keep weakDependent
					from holding onto its value as garbage.***"
					weakDependent := nil]]]
			[:msg :rcvr | rcvr error: msg].

see, if FinalizationSemaphore having excess signals after executing
cycle once, it continues with execution.
I think better to place FinalizationSemaphore initSignals at the end
of weak finalization, so it wouldn't be triggered by garbage
collection which may be happen in weak finalization routines.

>  Bryce
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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