[Io] help with HTTPClient

goran at krampe.se goran at krampe.se
Mon Oct 30 09:03:00 UTC 2006

Hi Steve! (and lots of other people, sorry, just keeping the CC as it

You wrote Bert is coming to help you so I guess these questions are
totally obsolete :) but anyway:

1. What Squeak image version and VM are you using as your plugin?

2. As you write you use the browser API (in HTTPClient) today
(proxy/https etc), so AFAIK most of HTTPClient code is not used - it
instead communicates with the browser using a selection of plugin
primitives and gets the result using a StandardFileStream on a file
handle given by the plugin (or something like that). So AFAIK there is
no Socket code being run at all in the Squeak image this way. Could you
specify your problem more concretely?

Also further:

"Steve Hunter" <Steve at Agilense.com> wrote:
> We also want to move our html
> UI up to "AJAX style" html UI's (or essentially getting back to
> client-server programming using a browser as the client and therefore need
> that solid networking layer) So, I'd encourage the community to pick the
> best of what people have done and build a common, solid, HTTPClient layer.

I am not sure what your server is currently (I don't think you mentioned
it) - is it also Squeak based?

Even though I agree we need to clean up the HTTP client code in the
image (and I am leaning towards using Steve Waring's code) there is one
important clarification to be made:

If you move away from the Squeak plugin and start using Ajax in some
form then there is *no Squeak* running in the browser, only on the
server (given that you use Seaside on the server side for example). And
the Scriptaculous package with Seaside (Which is the Ajax solution most
Squeakers use today) does not use any of the HTTPClient code on the
server side.

Or in other words - there are several Ajax style Squeak apps out there
today that are quite robust - for example: www.dabbledb.com

regards, Göran

PS. If I can help in any way, I follow the io-list. But it sounds to me
that you need to first figure out what is going wrong with the browser
API in the plugin. And Bert is well versed in that stuff.

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