Monticello format (was: Re: Starting a Magma/Seaside pilot project)

Chris Muller chris at
Thu Dec 22 18:42:43 UTC 2005

> Yes, but I would like to see a sort of snapshot
> point that says "this
> is stable, base your production work on this". So
> that newer versions
> may implement more advanced/experimental stuff,
> etcetera. At the
> moment, we just have to grab the latest version and
> hope that nothing
> experimental is in there which might interfere with
> production. This
> also puts a burden on development for precisely the
> same reason -
> because people grab the latest, it's hard to add
> more experimental
> stuff to the repository.

I was *just* thinking about this very thing last
night.  You have apparently read my mind..

For now, just know that the top version of
"MagmaClientLoader", "MagmaServerLoader" and
"MagmaTesterLoader" are the stable versions.

I am also considering adding a new package, "MagmaDev"
or "MagmaAlpha" or something, that is a
"configuration" (just standard flat-list prereqs, in
the vein of the "Loader" packages) which would load
the alpha versions of all the packages.

So far, the simple flat-list-of-dependencies seems to
be working fine and actually easier to save than

The difference seems to be that MCC's allow and
require me to specify exact versions of all the
dependencies; the loaded versions are the ones I want
anyway.  The regular flat-list-of-dependencies work
off the loaded versions so that works out fine.

Assuming there was full support for MCC's (I require
able to save to a "directory" repository), what do
they buy me over the flat list of regular


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