Magma Seaside package?

Göran Krampe goran at
Tue Jan 30 09:21:17 UTC 2007

Hi all!

Chris wrote:
> Brent Pinkney is the maintainer but I'm not sure whether he's with the
> Squeak community any more.  I imagine this demo probably "almost works"
> but is more there just to show a simple example than to provide a
> foundation for apps.  Magma Pier and Gjaller have done much more for
> providing foundations..

I have begun a blog entry/article explaining how Gjallar uses Magma - what
we have added (like the session pool) and how we have tied it into the
Seaside request handling (we use our own WASession subclass with a single
method override).

> Just to be clear, there's absolutely nothing special needed to make
> Magma "work" with Seaside.

Exactly. It is up to you as a developer to figure out how you want to use
Magma - for example, in Gjallar we use one Magma session per Seaside user
session - but also one single shared session for some readonly viewing.

It is a bit of a hack, but it gave us some relief from the problem of
having users viewing LOTS of object and thus forcing every session to
fault their own copies of those objects.

Btw, I have the intention of sitting down and "strip" Gjallar down to a
very small example app which only does login/logut and has a trivial
domain model. This way it could be used as a neat starting point for
building an app.

regards, Göran

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