[Morphic] self introduction

Peace Jerome peace_the_dreamer at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 04:20:32 CET 2005

Hi Jaun,

My name is Jerome Peace (wiz). I've been contributing
fixes to morphic over several years now. ( I helped
tame balloon help so it would stay in the center of
the balloons).  I've also written some major fixes to
polygon ( the purpose was to get smooth curves really
smooth w/o the one sharp bend). Fixed stars so they
can have any number of points and any amount of
pointyness. This gets you all the polygons as well.

I've fixed target sighting for sliders and potentialy
buttons. And several smaller fixes in response to
mantis bugs. (Including some to PLM).

The Star fixes have been included already and Stef
promised to get the Curvier / Polygon fixes in but as
far as I know they are still pending.

I don't know if this stuff has been delegated to the
morphic team yet or if it might be in the future. So I
mention it and hope you will help in getting these
improvements into squeak.

The wishlist I sent to Marcus and Stef is on the swiki


This page has the links to mantis where the most
recent code can be obtained.

This has gotten longer that I had initially intended
for an introduction.  So I'll stop now. Just wanted to
let you know of another interested party.

Yours in service, Jerome Peace (wiz)


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