[Newcompiler] Saphir scripting language for squeak

Mathieu Suen mathieusuen at yahoo.fr
Sat Oct 28 23:06:13 UTC 2006


You can try my new scripting language called Saphir at:


Here the syntaxe:

main [
   self haltIf: #run

declare [
	Object subclass: #Exemple
		instanceVariableNames: ''
		classVariableNames: ''
		poolDictionaries: ''
		category: 'SandBox'

Exemple instanceSideMethodExemple [

Exemple class classSideMethodExemple [

run [
	self declare.
	self main.
	Console printNl: 'End of script'

To run your script put it in a file then open FileList and selected your script.
You should see a "Do It" button. So click on it and this will execute your script.

Your script will be store in a subclass of ScriptInterpreter and have the name of your file name.

Now there is still plenty of works to do:
 -Right better tests
 -Add better declaration for class
 -Script class
 -Get sapphire working on the command line
 -Recover arguments from command line

Enjoy and don't forget to give us feedback


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