[Newcompiler] Bootstrapping. (Was Re: [Newcompiler] points for math)

Andrew Tween amtween at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 16 12:22:55 UTC 2006

Hi Stef,
>For the bootstrapping why don't we save a compiler in bytecode format
>and install it without the compiler.

That's an interesting idea, thanks.
I'd like to sketch out the sequence of future events, so that I can verify that
I am on the same wavelength as everyone else, and so we can see what problems

1. Starting from an image containing only the old-compiler.
2. Install new-compiler by compiling it with old-compiler.
3. Change references to old-compiler so they now reference new-compiler.
4. Delete old-compiler.

--maintenance of new-compiler package(s) by package maintainer(s)--
5. modify scanner/parser definitions
6. add/modify/remove scanner/parser methods
7. regenerate compiler/scanner
"6 and 7 above can cause failure of subsequent compilations"
8. save modified new-compiler package

--installation of modified new-compiler package--
9. load new-compiler package into image
10. save image
"9 causes failure due to mcz loading requiring the compiler, and compiling from

So, if I am correct in the above, the initial installation is ok because the old
compiler still exists.
The problems are with regenerating using SmaCC dev (which users might want to do
themselves if extending the compiler for their purposes); and installing a
different version of new-compiler in mcz format.

Is this correct? Have I forgotten, or misunderstood anything?

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