[Pkg] The Trunk: EToys-ul.470.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Mar 31 15:03:00 UTC 2022

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-ul.470
Author: ul
Time: 31 March 2022, 5:02:53.124672 pm
UUID: d3d57031-36b6-418b-8621-6e5802429be6
Ancestors: EToys-ct.469

- use Symbol class >> #lookup: instead of #hasInterned:ifTrue:
- use #includesSubstring: instead of the deprecated #includesSubString:

=============== Diff against EToys-ct.469 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>changeScript:toStatus: (in category 'scripts-standard') -----
  changeScript: scriptName toStatus: statusSymbol
  	"Change the script of the given name to have the given status, and get all relevant script-status controls updated"
  	scriptName ifNil: [^ self].
+ 	(Symbol lookup: scriptName) ifNotNil:
- 	Symbol hasInterned: scriptName ifTrue:
  		[:sym | self instantiatedUserScriptsDo:
  			[:aScriptInstantiation | aScriptInstantiation selector == sym
  					[aScriptInstantiation status: statusSymbol.
  					aScriptInstantiation updateAllStatusMorphs]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>doScript: (in category 'scripts-standard') -----
  doScript: scriptNameString
  	"On the next tick of the clock, run the given script once"
+ 	(Symbol lookup: scriptNameString) ifNotNil:
- 	Symbol hasInterned: scriptNameString ifTrue:
  		[:sym | (self class includesSelector: sym) ifTrue:
  			[costume addAlarm: #triggerScript: with: sym after: 1]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>existingScriptInstantiationForSelector: (in category 'customevents-scripts-kernel') -----
  existingScriptInstantiationForSelector: scriptName
  	"Answer the existing script instantiation for the given selector, or nil if none"
  	scriptName ifNil: [^ nil].
+ 	^(Symbol lookup: scriptName) ifNotNil: [ :sym |
+ 		self costume actorStateOrNil ifNotNil: [ :actorState |
+ 			actorState instantiatedUserScriptsDictionary at: sym ifAbsent: [nil]]]!
- 	Symbol hasInterned: scriptName
- 		ifTrue: [ :sym |
- 			self costume actorStateOrNil ifNotNil: [ :actorState |
- 				^actorState instantiatedUserScriptsDictionary at: sym ifAbsent: [nil]]].
- 	^ nil!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>performScriptIfCan: (in category 'scripts-standard') -----
  performScriptIfCan: scriptNameString 
  	"If I understand the given script name, perform it now"
+ 	(Symbol lookup: scriptNameString)
+ 		ifNotNil: [:sym | (self class includesSelector: sym)
- 	^Symbol
- 		hasInterned: scriptNameString
- 		ifTrue: [:sym | (self class includesSelector: sym)
  				ifTrue: [self triggerScript: sym]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>tellAllSiblings: (in category 'scripts-standard') -----
  tellAllSiblings: aMessageSelector
  	"Send the given message selector to all my sibling instances, but not to myself"
+ 	(Symbol lookup: aMessageSelector)
+ 		ifNotNil: [ :sel |
+ 			self belongsToUniClass
+ 				ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo: 
+ 					[:anInstance | 
+ 					anInstance isInTrash ifFalse: [
+ 						anInstance ~~ self ifTrue: [ anInstance triggerScript: sel ]]]]
+ 				ifFalse: [(sel ~~ #emptyScript) ifTrue:
+ 						[ScriptingSystem reportToUser: ('Cannot "tell " ' translated, aMessageSelector, ' to ' translated, self externalName) ]]]!
- 	Symbol hasInterned: aMessageSelector
- 		ifTrue: [ :sel |
- 	self belongsToUniClass
- 		ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo: 
- 			[:anInstance | 
- 			anInstance isInTrash ifFalse: [
- 				anInstance ~~ self ifTrue: [ anInstance triggerScript: sel ]]]]
- 		ifFalse: [(sel ~~ #emptyScript) ifTrue:
- 				[ScriptingSystem reportToUser: ('Cannot "tell " ' translated, aMessageSelector, ' to ' translated, self externalName) ]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Player>>tellSelfAndAllSiblings: (in category 'scripts-standard') -----
  tellSelfAndAllSiblings: aMessageSelector
  	"Send the given message selector to all my sibling instances, including myself"
+ 	(Symbol lookup: aMessageSelector) ifNotNil: [ :selectorSymbol |
+ 		self belongsToUniClass
+ 			ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo:
+ 				[:anInstance | 
+ 				anInstance isInTrash ifFalse: [
+ 					(anInstance respondsTo: selectorSymbol) ifTrue:
+ 						[anInstance triggerScript: selectorSymbol ]]]]
+ 			ifFalse: [(selectorSymbol ~~ #emptyScript) ifTrue:
- 	Symbol hasInterned: aMessageSelector
- 		ifTrue: [ :sel |
- 	self belongsToUniClass
- 		ifTrue: [self class allSubInstancesDo:
- 			[:anInstance | 
- 			anInstance isInTrash ifFalse: [
- 				(anInstance respondsTo: sel) ifTrue:
- 		[anInstance triggerScript: sel ]]]]
- 		ifFalse: [(sel ~~ #emptyScript) ifTrue:
  				[ScriptingSystem reportToUser: ('Cannot "tell " ' translated, aMessageSelector, ' to ' translated, self externalName) ]]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SoundLibraryTool>>listing (in category 'initialization') -----
  	| list newList format soundData selectorList formatList |
  	list := SampledSound soundLibrary keys sort.
  	selectorList := OrderedCollection new.
  	formatList := OrderedCollection new.
  		do: [:each | 
  			soundData := (SampledSound soundLibrary at: each) second.
  			soundData isNumber
  				ifTrue: [format := 'uncompressed']
+ 				ifFalse: [(soundData includesSubstring: 'Vorbis')
- 				ifFalse: [(soundData includesSubString: 'Vorbis')
  						ifTrue: [format := 'Vorbis']
+ 						ifFalse: [(soundData includesSubstring: 'Speex')
- 						ifFalse: [(soundData includesSubString: 'Speex')
  								ifTrue: [format := 'Speex']
  								ifFalse: [(soundData includesSubstring: 'GSM')
  										ifTrue: [format := 'GSM']]]].
  			selectorList add: each.
  			formatList add:  format].
  	 newList := OrderedCollection new.
  	newList add: selectorList asArray.
  		ifTrue:[newList add: formatList asArray]
  		ifFalse:[newList add:  (Array new: (formatList size) withAll:' ')].

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