[Pkg] The Trunk: Morphic-ul.1956.mcz

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Thu Mar 31 15:06:32 UTC 2022

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ul.1956
Author: ul
Time: 31 March 2022, 5:06:23.743688 pm
UUID: f3e1fb7d-6d9f-41a8-b27e-7ac48a323b48
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1955

- use Symbol class >> #lookup: instead of #hasInterned:ifTrue:

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1955 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StandardScriptingSystem>>formAtKey: (in category 'form dictionary') -----
  formAtKey: aString
  	"Answer the form saved under the given key"
+ 	^(Symbol lookup: aString)
+ 		ifNotNil: [ :aKey | FormDictionary at: aKey ifAbsent: [ FormDictionary at: #Cat ] ]
+ 		ifNil: [ FormDictionary at: #Cat ]!
- 	Symbol hasInterned: aString ifTrue:
- 		[:aKey | ^ FormDictionary at: aKey ifAbsent: [FormDictionary at: #Cat]].
- 	^ FormDictionary at: #Cat!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextEditor>>explain (in category 'menu messages') -----
  	"Try to shed some light on what kind of entity the current selection is. 
  	The selection must be a single token or construct. Insert the answer after 
  	the selection. Send private messages whose names begin with 'explain' 
  	that return a string if they recognize the selection, else nil."
  Cursor execute showWhile: 
+ 			[ | string numbers delimitors cgVars reply selectors tiVars sorry |
- 			[ | string numbers delimitors cgVars reply selectors tiVars symbol sorry |
  			sorry := '"Sorry, I can''t explain that.  Please select a single
  token, construct, or special character.'.
  			sorry := sorry , (morph canDiscardEdits
  							ifFalse: ['  Also, please cancel or accept."']
  							ifTrue: ['"']).
  			(string := self selection asString) isEmpty
  				ifTrue: [reply := '']
  				ifFalse: [string := self explainScan: string.
  					"Remove space, tab, cr"
  					"Temps and Instance vars need only test strings that are all letters"
  					(string allSatisfy: [:char | char isLetter or: [char isDigit]])
  							[tiVars := self explainTemp: string.
  							tiVars == nil ifTrue: [tiVars := self explainInst: string]].
  					(tiVars == nil and: [model respondsTo: #explainSpecial:])
  						ifTrue: [tiVars := model explainSpecial: string].
  					tiVars == nil
  						ifTrue: [tiVars := '']
  						ifFalse: [tiVars := tiVars , '\' withCRs].
  					"Context, Class, Pool, and Global vars, and Selectors need 
  					only test symbols"
+ 					(Symbol lookup: string)
+ 						ifNotNil: [ :symbol |
+ 							cgVars := self explainCtxt: symbol.
- 					(Symbol hasInterned: string ifTrue: [:s | symbol := s])
- 						ifTrue: [cgVars := self explainCtxt: symbol.
  							cgVars == nil
  								ifTrue: [cgVars := self explainClass: symbol.
  									cgVars == nil ifTrue: [cgVars := self explainGlobal: symbol]].
  							"See if it is a Selector (sent here or not)"
  							selectors := self explainMySel: symbol.
  							selectors == nil
  									[selectors := self explainPartSel: string.
  									selectors == nil ifTrue: [
  										selectors := self explainAnySel: symbol]]]
+ 						ifNil: [selectors := self explainPartSel: string].
- 						ifFalse: [selectors := self explainPartSel: string].
  					cgVars == nil
  						ifTrue: [cgVars := '']
  						ifFalse: [cgVars := cgVars , '\' withCRs].
  					selectors == nil
  						ifTrue: [selectors := '']
  						ifFalse: [selectors := selectors , '\' withCRs].
  					string size = 1
  						ifTrue: ["single special characters"
  							delimitors := self explainChar: string]
  						ifFalse: ["matched delimitors"
  							delimitors := self explainDelimitor: string].
  					numbers := self explainNumber: string.
  					numbers == nil ifTrue: [numbers := ''].
  					delimitors == nil ifTrue: [delimitors := ''].
  					reply := tiVars , cgVars , selectors , delimitors , numbers].
  			reply size = 0 ifTrue: [reply := sorry].
  			self afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: reply]!

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