[Seaside-dev] Issue 238 in seaside: Investigate Seaside-Jetsam extensions

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Dec 6 08:28:27 UTC 2008

Comment #4 on issue 238 by philippe.marschall: Investigate Seaside-Jetsam  

## 1. Deprecated API
-> the point of deprecation is that you can drop it, not that you support  
it forever
even though it's deprecated. We're not the JDK.

## 5. External and static files
ext 02: WACachedDocument-clear to ensure next access the document is  
re-read from disk.

-> WACachedDocument was dropped, it didn't have any users

ext 06: WASession-download: contents mimeType: mimeType filename: fileName
	    Enables an anchor to respond with the file content to be downloaded.
-> I couldn't find this in Seaside28Jetsam-kph.74

ext 07: WADocumentHandler-mimeDocument/response
	   Enables documentClasses to signal respond with doNotCache by  
implementing #notCached
-> we have WAResponse >> #cacheForever, #cacheFor:, #doNotCache

ext 12: WAStandardFilesPlus and WAStandardFilesPlusTest
-> not portable

## 6. Various Extensions
ext 17: String-#withoutTrailingSlash
-> aString trimRight: [ :each | each = $/ ]

ext 19 WASession-forApp:during:
-> I couldn't find this in Seaside28Jetsam-kph.74, anyway likely to not be  
anymore in 2.9 since the main entry point is request context and not session

ext 24 onlLoadScripts can be a block evaluated at write time	
-> cound't find this one in Seaside28Jetsam-kph.74, load scripts are handled
differently in 2.9 (stored in request context)

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