[Seaside-dev] Issue 289 in seaside: Changes to Seaside-Tests-Core to address issues discovered in GemStone port

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sun Jan 25 01:52:34 UTC 2009

	Status: Fixed
	Owner: WeybridgeWay

Comment #8 on issue 289 by WeybridgeWay: Changes to Seaside-Tests-Core to  
address issues discovered in GemStone port

Thanks very much for the more detailed explanation. It helps. As you might  
know, I'm working through loading the
packages in order. I'm fixing things as I come across them and this was the  
only case that exists through Platform and
Core. I now understand that the "abuse of an array literal" (I like that  
characterization!) is used not only for several test
classes (which I'd argue don't need microsecond optimization) but for  
shared distribution of runtime non-code artifacts
(which does make it a larger issue). With that understanding I'll look more  
favorably on trying to accept this abuse. ;-)

I'll close this since I've addressed the problem with  
WACookieTest>>#testExpirePrinting without running into trouble.
Thanks again for helping me see the broader issue.

-- James Foster

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