[Seaside-dev] My first contribution

Tony Fleig tony.fleig at gmail.com
Sun Dec 26 17:39:59 UTC 2010

I have made some changes in my local environment to Phato's MailMessage and
Seaside's WAEmailMessage to support creation of multi-part MIME messages
(e.g. HTML and plaintext).

I would like to contribute these changes, but I'm  not sure how to proceed
because the Seaside changes are dependent on the Pharo changes.

Should I submit all the changes to Seaside and include the Pharo changes as
Seaside extensions to Pharo or submit the changes separately to Pharo and

And of course my changes are for Pharo only and therefore the other Seaside
platforms would not be supported. Do I need to make sure this works on all
platforms before submitting?

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