[Seaside-dev] My first contribution

Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 07:27:32 UTC 2010

2010/12/26 Tony Fleig <tony.fleig at gmail.com>:
> I have made some changes in my local environment to Phato's MailMessage and
> Seaside's WAEmailMessage to support creation of multi-part MIME messages
> (e.g. HTML and plaintext).
> I would like to contribute these changes, but I'm  not sure how to proceed
> because the Seaside changes are dependent on the Pharo changes.

First, thank you for wanting to contribute this. Changes that depend
on changes in Pharo are a bit problematic because that requires users
to use an unreleased Pharo version. Then again anything depends on the
specific case. Anyways I still recommend creating an issue even if we
can't merge it for a year (see below).

> Should I submit all the changes to Seaside and include the Pharo changes as
> Seaside extensions to Pharo or submit the changes separately to Pharo and
> Seaside?

Ideally you create an issue in our issue tracker [1] and attach the
Seaside related code (ideally in .mcz files).

> And of course my changes are for Pharo only and therefore the other Seaside
> platforms would not be supported. Do I need to make sure this works on all
> platforms before submitting?

Maybe. We'll let you know in the comments if something is not OK and
needs to be changed.

 [1] http://code.google.com/p/seaside/issues/list


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