[Seaside-dev] Seaside 3.0a6ish

Michael Lucas-Smith mlucas-smith at cincom.com
Wed May 19 18:17:54 UTC 2010

>> So, I could fix it by adding a platform-specific hack to #asString:, 
>> but it seems wrong.  Can you check what breaks if you return a 
>> ByteArray from your codec's #encode: method?
Results from changing GRGenericCodec to expect and return ByteArrays 

     #testCodecLatin1 -- errors because #latin1String is sent to 
#decode: when it should be #latin1Bytes
     #testCodecUtf8 -- errors because #utf8String is sent to #decode: 
when it should be #utf8Bytes
         #testCodecUtf8Bom -- same
     #testCompileString -- errors because #contents called 
#contentsDecodedUsing: where the @contents variable is already a string
         #testCompileStringAgain -- same
     #testDecodedWith -- errors because @user ends up containing a 
String with unicode characters derived from the % encoding, but is then 
attempted to be decoded using the codec

And those are just the tests - I suspect that there'll be even more 
errors/failures attempting to actually use Seaside. I'd also need to 
adjust the adaptor to do less fiddling, but that's a whole other story 
(the Opentalk adaptor, by default, handles encoding -for- you, but 
Seaside intends to handle it for itself.. so we have to do a lot of 
fiddling at the adaptor level to pass through raw data and let Seaside 
handle it its own way).


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