[Seaside-dev] Testing trouble

Diego Lont diego.lont at delware.nl
Fri Jan 11 09:59:55 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I have a problem in testing my code. I have a user in my session I want to use for logging changes (among other things). By default I can access the user in a WAObject by the following code:
	self session user.

When I now write a test, this code crashes on a doesNotUnderstand on #session. In WAObject the requestContext is nil, because it is not in a request (it is in a test) and I have no session. I want to include one fix in WAObject:

	"Answer the current seaside session, instance of WASesssion or a subclass."
	self requestContext ifNotNilDo: [ :context | ^context session ].

And the same trick in my own code saying:

	"Answer the current seaside session, instance of WASesssion or a subclass."
	self session ifNotNilDo: [ :session | ^session user ].

In this way I have no trouble in testing my code.

Does this change make sense to you too?


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