[Seaside] GOODS (insomnia)

Avi Bryant avi@beta4.com
Thu, 21 Mar 2002 15:04:13 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Markus Fritsche wrote:

> Restless, as I am, I was very happy to have identified rST as the cause with
> my goods-trouble. So I thougt I could do something quite unuseful:
> txn _ KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 6000.
> txn root at: 'test' put: 1@102.
> txn commit.
> txn root explore
> The Explorer opens! So I expand the first entry: Yes, I see 'test': 1@102
> I expand it another time -
> Error: subscript is out of bounds: 1
> Is this a error related with goods or do I have to look at a different place
> (or, is this a "Me-Only-error"? :-))

This is somewhat goods related - it is because the explorer (unlike the
inspector) directly uses the #class message, which doesn't actually get
sent, and so the goods proxies get in the way.  Anyway, I forgot about
that when I rebuilt the SSVS repository.  The hacks to ObjectExplorer are
now back in SSVS.