[Seaside] Web Calendar for Seaside

Avi Bryant seaside@lists.squeakfoundation.org
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 16:23:47 -0800 (PST)

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002, Derek Brans wrote:

> I would like some design feedback.  I don't think I'm making full use of
> the Continuation framework in Seaside.  Maybe this isn't needed in my
> application yet?  I am kind of confused about how to use WAComponents
> and WAViews effectively.

Yes, that's clear.  Since it's probably confusing for most people, let me
lay out some guidelines:

- Use a WAComponent for any part of the UI that has state.  In the
Calendar example, this means at least the tab widget (must maintain the
currently selected tab) and the calendar display (must maintain the
current month).  Components may well have other components as instance

- Use a WAView for any part of the UI that is stateless.  In the Calendar,
this might mean the month view, week view, and day view.  A Component
should never store a view as an instance variable, but should recreate the
views it needs on each request.